Overhead locker opening/closing issue - advice?



VIP Member
T5 SE 140
Hi, I’ve searched the forum and there are a couple of posts about similar issues but I’m not sure which of the pieces of advice would be right for my issue.

When opening the overhead locker it’s stiff to pull down and doesn’t seem to want to lower evenly, it feels like it’s catching more on the left hand side (driver side), you can open it but closing it also gives same issue, you have to jiggly it and give it some force to close evenly. It looks like the edging plastic of the locker is rubbing on the plastic at the side, is this normal or is there meant to be a gap at the sides? I also feel like the back corner (as you’re looking from the boot, driver side) looks like it’s not closing flush when it’s closed, and it has rubbed/worn on the surfaces due to this issue.

Hard to explain so I’ve taken some photos

No saw abothwr post where the pin in the runner had come lose but this doesn’t seem to be that issue.

I was planning on taking the locker out and checking out the cog/runner mechanism but wanted to check before I start dismantling.

It’s a 2011 SE so will have had a fair bit of use. I just want a nice smooth closing locker!



Watching with interest, ours is the same but passenger side.

VW California Club
