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Planning and Making Advanced Upgrades to the California Coast

Yes external, for clarity.
I think that there is already a brake light at the top of the tailgate that
you can get with a camera.
This is great news! The camera module will be based on a Raspberry Pi, the Pi Camera, an ultrasonic sensor and a low power high intensity LED light. The entire assembly can be hosted in a structured case not bigger than a couple of packs of cigarette.
Anywhere it won’t be obscured by the bike rack/bikes.
Anywhere it won’t be obscured by the bike rack/bikes.
It is a correct objection. I use the bike but I have planned to avoid external extra stuff. Anyway, it is good to consider the possible impact of external support, just in case...
A Useful Tip
Not sure if it is obvious for all the owners of a Caly but at least for me, it is very useful information that my dealer provided just now (I have asked about the solar panels) so I share the image, just in case someone else needs it.
Cali Size.jpg
A Useful Tip
Not sure if it is obvious for all the owners of a Caly but at least for me, it is very useful information that my dealer provided just now (I have asked about the solar panels) so I share the image, just in case someone else needs it.
View attachment 66101
This is not the correct scheme. It concerns the long chassis, which is not the case with the California
This is not the correct scheme. It concerns the long chassis, which is not the case with the California
Right, you are true. This is the detail that does not sound correct.
I have checked with the sizes declared in the order, and the length is the only measure that is not corresponding if I am not wrong. The top size instead, and the other sizes seems correct.
FYI just the right sizes (in French) copied from the order I signed and the Cali I saw at the dealer.

Dimensions du véhicule
  • Longueur : 4.979 mm
    Longueur de charge derrière 1ere rangée : 2.532 mm
  • Longueur de charge derrière 2me rangée : 1.555 mm
  • Longueur de charge derrière 3me rangée : mm
  • Largeur sans les rétroviseurs extérieurs : 1.904 mm Hauteur : 1.990 mm
    Hauteur avec hayon arrière ouvert : 2.200 mm
  • Empattement : 3.000 mm
    Espace de tête, 1ere rangée de sièges : 998 mm
  • Espace de tête, 2me rangée de sièges : 1.005 mm
  • Espace de tête, 3me rangée de sièges : 997 mm
  • Rayon de braquage : 11.900 mm
Right, you are true. This is the detail that does not sound correct.
I have checked with the sizes declared in the order, and the length is the only measure that is not corresponding if I am not wrong. The top size instead, and the other sizes seems correct.
FYI just the right sizes (in French) copied from the order I signed and the Cali I saw at the dealer.

Dimensions du véhicule
  • Longueur : 4.979 mm
    Longueur de charge derrière 1ere rangée : 2.532 mm
  • Longueur de charge derrière 2me rangée : 1.555 mm
  • Longueur de charge derrière 3me rangée : mm
  • Largeur sans les rétroviseurs extérieurs : 1.904 mm Hauteur : 1.990 mm
    Hauteur avec hayon arrière ouvert : 2.200 mm
  • Empattement : 3.000 mm
    Espace de tête, 1ere rangée de sièges : 998 mm
  • Espace de tête, 2me rangée de sièges : 1.005 mm
  • Espace de tête, 3me rangée de sièges : 997 mm
  • Rayon de braquage : 11.900 mm
Yes, the only difference is in the length. 40 cm longer wheelbase. Unfortunately VW does not make a California in LWB.
Yes, the only difference is in the length. 40 cm longer wheelbase. Unfortunately VW does not make a California in LWB.
I am not sure these 40 cm extra are so essential. Anyway, I suppose they avoid this because of the California grand hehe...
I am not sure these 40 cm extra are so essential. Anyway, I suppose they avoid this because of the California grand hehe...
You will see when the bottom bed is stretched out, there isn't much free space.
I have a T5.1 without any of the relevant options, so I'm not sure quite what the connectivity options are for a new build (or what you've ordered), but I stumbled across this today and thought I'd drop it here in case it's of any interest...

thank you very much, it is a very interesting reference. Maybe some part is useful for my project. I have not abandoned the plan, but until the end of November, I am busy finishing to write a book. I will restart making the first prototypes in December, I hope to get the T6.1 California Coast during the month of January.


VW California Club
