Pleated blinds

Nobard 33 French

Nobard 33 French

Grand California 600
Pleated blinds are actually a very good idea and darken your car if necessary...
However, in the first version, the fabric or material was much too thin and small holes appeared in the occultation over time.
I received the information than there was also an update in the form of improved pleated blinds that no longer present this problem.
Who had this problem and do you know the VW TPI reference for this update?


Response from :
"The supplier of the pleated blinds has changed the material over time. However, there was never any official communication from Volkswagen about it.
If you have holes in the pleated blinds, they will be replaced under warranty. After the warranty expires, VW probably won’t do anything, and you’ll need to buy a replacement yourself."
So, I try to obtain a free replacement with my extended warrarranty...
Has anyone had all the pleated blinds replaced? My van has this issue, but I thought it was a "feature" and I don't really have an issue with it as long as it doesn't get any worse. I know when it is daylight outside!
The reason I ask if anyone has had them replaced is I'd be worried about the number of wall panels that would have to be removed and if they all ended being put back as before? Was the replacement successful?
Or is it a case of better left alone?
Replacement in progress... Finally accepted with my warranty extension
I believe the ceiling panels are held by hook-and-loop tapes (to be confirmed), so quite easy to remove and put back in place (Photos sent when they will be replaced)

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