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** POLL** When do you thing you'll be able to freely use your Cali again?

When do you believe life will return to a time when you use your Cali freely again?

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T6.1 Coast 150
Interested to know how people perceive things will pan out...

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The crisis will be on until a safe effective vaccine comes to protect the vulnerable - maybe next Autumn- Winter.

But I wonder if things will start to change when the antibody tests are widely available; if large numbers of people show positive for past exposure and the science confirms that they are immune (at least for a while), tight restrictions may be eased.

Restrictions for the vulnerable will remain tight obviously, but for the immune, some social distancing and obviously hygiene advice will stay. But some of the odder, non evidence-based, interpretations of the guidelines, being slung about on social media, (like the suggestion of avoiding exercise to avoid injury!!) will go away.

I suspect vulnerability studies will confirm suspicions that people who are not overweight, don’t smoke, eat healthily, are active and outside a lot are actually far less likely to be badly affected, so encouraging outdoor exercise (with social distancing) will happen even more to reduce the ITU burden.

All speculation of course!
The use of "freely" has informed my vote. Maybe if we adopt a covid status app, as other countries are doing and the government is considering, we might be "free" a little sooner.
I should have been arriving in Santander this evening for a six week Spain and France Caliventure
As soon as we can move again.
I’m going away somewhere anywhere...
At work, timelines are being discussed in 3-6 month region, 3 minimum... there is also an openess to it being longer than 6 months upto 18.
I think six months before we see a campsite open again
Probably not at all this year if things continue. Also expect wild camping to be more than frowned upon and locals hostile.
Hopefully the scientists and government are able to get the virus at least contained and the NHS get the support it needs.
I'm hearing slightly more positive things from frontline NHS staff (step sis is on an C19 ICU). My personal view is late June for some semblance of normality in terms of movement... how much money any of us have by then is another thing. Agree re issues around wild camping but I tend more to be sites based with a 2 and 4 year old in tow...
Good afternoon,

It is scary that over 1 million people worldwide are infected with Covid-19 and thousands of people have died because of it.

It is a bit surreal for me to get my head around all that. We live in the country. Even though it is only 35 km away from Dublin center (as the crow flies) but it is in another world. While I am sitting in the house / garden people fight for their lives in various hospitals in Ireland and Europe (I add them to my prayers every night).

People must stay at home to fight this pandemic, which in turn does have an impact on the business. I doubt that these harsh restrictions can be implemented for a long time (several month). There will be at time in the weeks to come that will allow, step-by-step, to work and move more (freely).

Because of this I believe that "free" movement will be within 2 month. That doesn't mean that I believe that long travels will be possible (or recommended by governments), but at least day tours or overnights within the country. And as far as I am concern that would be a big improvement.

Hopefully we come to an end of this, just to ensure that people stop suffering and we get back to a bit of normality. Never the less I hope we will learn something out of all this.

Stay save,
They will relax the lockdown once the NHS has capacity to allow a few more to get sick and then they will close everything down again. This will go in a sequence of waves. You will get periods of free movement in the UK long before you are allowed to travel overseas again.

No country will permit an abundance of tourists roaming around while they are in the controlled infection stage of lockdown/relax, lockdown/relax that will run until the end of the year.

So don't expect to take your Cali abroad until next spring.
Airlines will start flying in June - the first lock Down will last another week or two.
There must still be a country/economy to save so a difficult balancing act IMHO.
They will relax the lockdown once the NHS has capacity to allow a few more to get sick and then they will close everything down again. This will go in a sequence of waves. You will get periods of free movement in the UK long before you are allowed to travel overseas again.

No country will permit an abundance of tourists roaming around while they are in the controlled infection stage of lockdown/relax, lockdown/relax that will run until the end of the year.

So don't expect to take your Cali abroad until next spring.
Cant disagree with the thought process but if this were the case there will be nothing worth saving. I don't see how the govt can feasibly maintain this beyond end May.
End of may towards a return to greater freedom of movement, return to work etc I'm now here to be proved wrong of course. I am the king of wishful thinking as the song once went