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Pre registered Cali

If it was me I would do a deal + 15% off basic price plus options and ask for the vehicle straight away leaving them say a 6/7 k deposit and payment in full after 3 months with title then changing to you so that they can claim their demo discount
Gasgas said:
If it was me I would do a deal + 15% off basic price plus options and ask for the vehicle straight away leaving them say a 6/7 k deposit and payment in full after 3 months with title then changing to you so that they can claim their demo discount

The terms of the demo agreement would prohibit them selling the van early and there are implications with insurance etc.

That's not to say it hasn't been done but it's risky.
In same situation. I cant remember the discount but it cost £300 more then DTD price (discount worked out pre vat on our order form). I was happy with this considering I was ordering it for March 2015 and not having to collect it before the 31/12/2014.

We did discus the option of finance to obtain the additional £750 discount with the view of paying it off but was told there would be a penalty. The saving would be around £300 however we considered this to be more hassle then its worth.
pjm-84 said:
We did discus the option of finance to obtain the additional £750 discount with the view of paying it off but was told there would be a penalty. The saving would be around £300 however we considered this to be more hassle then its worth.

The penalty would sit with the garage in terms of a commission clawback. Best not to discuss the aspect of early termination with them.
Great sounds like a plan......
Well the dealer isn't budging on price at all so now we have to decide what to do. Their discount on a new on is only around 5%. The price rise in November would add another 1% as well I suppose.

Only trouble with Drive the Deal is that we're in the Highlands so would prob be a long way to go for collection and to sort out problems. We were willing to pay a bit over the odds to get one from Edinburgh but maybe not that much! All the servicing would be done in Edinburgh as well apart from emergencies as Inverness don't really deal much with Cali's.
DTD offer a delivery service nationwide to overcome the issues of locality.

Regardless of where you buy from you can still use Edinburgh to carry out the work for you.

I would call their bluff to be honest and find yourself another dealer or place an order with DTD. You have time on your side regarding delivery and still have plenty of time to place an order before the price increase.

You've done the hard bit, deciding on spec etc.
Telephone around for 2 hours see who will match / better the DTD price, if not order from DTD :)

All your servicing can be carried out anywhere.

I know where I'd be telling your dealer to go....
reserves said:
Telephone around for 2 hours see who will match / better the DTD price, if not order from DTD :)

All your servicing can be carried out anywhere.

I know where I'd be telling your dealer to go....

As I understand it last day for ordering before the price increase is today. Prices are going up 1% from 1st Nov.

As far as DTD goes I have had quotes from them and you have to really push the local dealers to get close to them but as other people have said on here it can be done and don't be afraid to walk away.

Hope that helps.

From a soon to be owner of a Cali Beach if all goes well.
Our local dealer said that we would get better service if we bought the van from them when we were looking! We were trying to get them to price match DtD.

In the end we bought pre-registered, and we have used them for servicing and warranty and they have been excellent.

Remember the salesman will say all kinds of BS to sell you a van, but also remember that is a different team that run the service department and ignore the sales man!

Just go with DtD - it will come from a pukka VW dealer anyway :)

Stu said:
DTD offer a delivery service nationwide to overcome the issues of locality.

Regardless of where you buy from you can still use Edinburgh to carry out the work for you.

I would call their bluff to be honest and find yourself another dealer or place an order with DTD. You have time on your side regarding delivery and still have plenty of time to place an order before the price increase.

You've done the hard bit, deciding on spec etc.

whats the point in phoning around for two hours to match when you can just order it from DTD a perfectly reputable company,simply give the dealer one more chance or you are going to order today from DTD simple
teeboy said:
Our local dealer said that we would get better service if we bought the van from them when we were looking! We were trying to get them to price match DtD.

In the end we bought pre-registered, and we have used them for servicing and warranty and they have been excellent.

Remember the salesman will say all kinds of BS to sell you a van, but also remember that is a different team that run the service department and ignore the sales man!

Just go with DtD - it will come from a pukka VW dealer anyway :)

We bought our cali from our local dealer and had the worst after sales service I've ever had in my life so forget about that.
Dealers who don't do deals annoy me!
Like others have said I'd forget the pre reg and buy through dtd - ask your dealer if they can price match by all means but dtd make it so easy. Like Stu says they even deliver for you so no effort required on your part!
I think we have decided to go through DTD. The prices went up about midday but still works out as a similar price to the pre reg one. Also there are a couple on the VW site which would do us. We want a pretty simple specification, 140 manual with privacy glass, towbar, climatronic, parking sensors and awning.

It'll be interesting to see how long the one we were offered is available for. I think Edinburgh have their pick of affluent customers as they are the only dealer selling California's for quite a big area so maybe don't have to make an effort doing deals.

Thanks to everyone for your help and comments.
Only 5% off for a pre reg is offensive. It's an actual insult. The 1% price rise "threat" is even more offensive.

We got almost 15% off; delivery miles.

I'm sure many dealers would happily deliver to you with a far better discount.
When I was getting quotes on new vans they all offered free delivery, some were 300+ miles away.
The 5% was for a brand new one, not for the pre reg. It was 11% on the pre reg one so not too bad. They just mentioned the 1% rise, don't think they were threatening, just letting us know. They are a really well informed about the Cali and were very good to deal with (apart from not giving us the deal we wanted!) so don't want anyone getting the wrong idea.

I guess if they are getting the sales they need without discounting too much then there isn't any reason for them to give more money off. But for us a saving of £1000 or more is worth travelling if we have to, although if we can get a vehicle delivered then all the better.
coachman said:
The 5% was for a brand new one, not for the pre reg. It was 11% on the pre reg one so not too bad. They just mentioned the 1% rise, don't think they were threatening, just letting us know. They are a really well informed about the Cali and were very good to deal with (apart from not giving us the deal we wanted!) so don't want anyone getting the wrong idea.

I guess if they are getting the sales they need without discounting too much then there isn't any reason for them to give more money off. But for us a saving of £1000 or more is worth travelling if we have to, although if we can get a vehicle delivered then all the better.

I think you are absolutely correct ,Edinburgh is a very wealthy area and they wont find it hard to do their target, which for them is what it is all about. I don't think 11% is to bad but in theory you wont get better than DTD, imo prices in Scotland are higher than England because there is more competition in England, the best deals come from the areas where it is harder for them to hit there target or perhaps new dealers who want to buy a bit of the market before they get up to speed with their volume ,I would give the Preston dealer a call or perhaps the new dealer in MK
I would second that, just ordered ours on Friday with Guy at Preston VW van centre. Rang up on Thursday after checking the price on DTD and gave him my spec, he emailed me that night with virtually the same price bar £25. Very nice to deal with and a lot easier than filling in all those DTD forms etc. Checked the price today with DTD and with the VW price increase the same van would now be about £650 dearer. :thumb
larrylamb said:
I would second that, just ordered ours on Friday with Guy at Preston VW van centre. Rang up on Thursday after checking the price on DTD and gave him my spec, he emailed me that night with virtually the same price bar £25. Very nice to deal with and a lot easier than filling in all those DTD forms etc. Checked the price today with DTD and with the VW price increase the same van would now be about £650 dearer. :thumb

That's where ours came from.

And congratulations!
:thanks Kernow, been a nervous wreck all week wondering if i've done the right thing but my wife, son and myself are very excited now it's official and a shiny silver 140 man se with some toys will hopefully arrive the beginning of March. :bananadance Looking forward to more chats and tips from everyone on here, it has been a very useful forum. :thumb
Mr Larrylamb

look at it this way...

New vehicle say £50,000

15% discount ( "AT LEAST" demand all the hard bargainers on here) = £.7500

"10% discount, oh how generous" says minnie the mouse granny Jen, £5,000.

Total maximum rip-off = £2,500.

Use the vehicle for three years. Have a big beaming smile all over your face for three years. Save thousands of dosh on hotel bills. Save billions of dosh going to places that lager-drinking motorhomers can't get to. Find after three years that having so much fun has so extended one's life that one must part-ex for another one instead of investing in a place in the local care home for demented grannies.

Is the £2,500 "Potential maximum rip-off" worth the risk?

I'm smiling. So will you be.
Yep Jen absolutely. We have not got super duper salaries etc but we are giving it a go for say 3 years and plumped for a new one as second hand values are high especially in the spring. We didn't want potentially high repair bills so we can relax knowing VW will sort it for at least 3 years. If we decide then to sell i'm sure prices will still be firm and we will have had 3 good years in the van for the cost of going to Disney 1.5 times (does that make sense). Then again we might not want to sell then , yikes!
larrylamb said:
Yep Jen absolutely. We have not got super duper salaries etc but we are giving it a go for say 3 years and plumped for a new one as second hand values are high especially in the spring. We didn't want potentially high repair bills so we can relax knowing VW will sort it for at least 3 years. If we decide then to sell i'm sure prices will still be firm and we will have had 3 good years in the van for the cost of going to Disney 1.5 times (does that make sense). Then again we might not want to sell then , yikes!

Well done I like your rationale .... Now you have the most difficult part of all to deal with THE WAIT......
So true.
27 Days until Retirement

28 Days to pick up New California.

:smile :smile :smile :smile

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