Pucer roof screen vs calitop



VIP Member
Winchester, Hampshire, UK
T6 Beach 150
im intending on buying a roof screen but torn between the Pucer roof screen and a calitop for my T6 Beach so hoping to get some views/reviews/recommendations to help me decide!



The Pucer is much cheaper at £135 vs €450 for the calitop but I'd rather buy the right thing once than end up buying multiple things because I bought the cheapest first.
Does anyone have experience of one or hopefully both of these? Can you comment on:
Ease and room required for storage
Ease of and time taken to fit
Effectiveness at keeping the van warm in winter
Effectiveness at keeping the van cool in summer
Effectiveness at keeping the van dark for sleeping
Effectiveness at keeping the van dry in the rain
Blocking noise
Any other virtues or benefits of either?


Not sure about the Pucer, looks like it takes up a lot of room and will make it very dark up top. Why are you not considering Comfortz ? Made in Great Britan and you get a discount for being a member.
Hi Victor,

Thanks for the response. I like the look of the Calitop because it can go inside the scissor mechanism and stay on all the time so doesn't have to be taken on and off but also has the option to put it on the outside to provide more ventilation during the summer.

Does anyone have aeither of these? The Calitop site suggests that it might be hard to close the roof on the beach with it fitted - does anyone have experience of this?

How much room does the pucer take up when storing it?


Have a Pucer roof screen it takes up quite a lot of room when rolled up in its bag 1m long and just over 20cm in diameter but it goes on well, although the supplied bungy is rubbish, and does a good job of keeping heat in and light out, noise not so well but to be honest I don't think there is anything you can buy that will keep out noise other than ear plugs.
Here's is an earlier post of mine which might go someway as a pointer...?

We have the Pucer screen and the topper.
We find that each product has it's place/function and both are good to have.
The pucer screen is slightly warmer than the topper, but it will have a tendency to condensate on the inside of the screen thus leaving the roof fabric a little damp in winter. It's also good in summer to reflect heat away form the roof which can get hot in Southern Europe. Just need to make sure you place the screen on the outside of the struts just to ensure a little air circulates otherwise you'll cook!
In short the Pucer screen is good for extremes of weather.
Topper is good for intermmediate weather, eg. Spring and Autumn.
This is not a definitive guide, just my personal experience/opinion. I am sure others may have different opinions.
Previous thread
Having recently seen a pucer on a van I've just placed an order for a black topper from Nick at Comfortz. The pucer reminds me of insulating foil (of the type one would put behind a radiator in a insufficiently insulated house etc) and appears to cut out light unlike the topper with provision for windows.

Appreciate the pucer works for some
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I had a Pucer come with my van, good in the very cold winter but horrible to use the rest of the year as it is so dark and does not keep the rain out propely.
Having recently seen a pucer on a van I've just placed an order for a black topper from Nick at Comfortz. The pucer reminds me of insulating foil (of the type one would put behind a radiator in a insufficiently insulated house etc) and appears to cut out light unlike the topper with provision for windows.

Appreciate the pucer works for some
In mid summer with kids sleeping up top keeping it as dark as possible is very important.
Thanks guys for all the replies. I want it to keep it dark for the kids in the mornings, keep it warm in the winter, cool in the summer, protect the canvas in rain. Feels like the Pucer is the best option for that at the moment. May well add a topper at a later date based on the comments on here.
One question I have around the toppers - the German made ones seem to all use breathable fabrics (e.g. Airtex) but the Comfortz one is just PVC. Does this make a discernible difference? Does it reduce condensation or moisture in the van when the topper is on?

Thanks again,

The Comfortz topper is just held at corners and middle with short bungy loops so there is quite a bit of air movement, I use it when the weather is really bad, the Pucer is okay in the rain but if there is wind and rain it is not so good. When driving rain is forecast the topper goes on. I'd say that when you are camping in wet weather it's your clothes, coats and shoes that make the van feel a bit damp rather than some moisture on the inside of the topper.

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