
T5 SE 180
I have a strange problem with our roof on our California. When you raise the roof it gets 95% to the top and just stops. No noise of the motor trying to raise further. Just stops. When you try to lower the roof. Nothing happens. No noise. Just nothing. If you remove the control panel and undo the screw on the pump until the roof starts to drop then tighten the screw again, to release the pressure, it will come down using the motor. I have replaced the roof hydraulics control unit, no difference. I have sent the pump off to be "refurbished", no difference. There are only those two components really to the system. Everything works (kind of) but yet if you raise the roof to the maximum it will go to, You are stuck. Please has anyone experienced a similar problem which has been solved?
I'm not familiar with your problem.

The only thing i can offer is -

Has all the air been bled out of the system and is it topped up with oil.
The pump has been taken out when it was refurbished and fresh oil put in. Not sure how you would bleed out any air.....
After a few up and down movements with the roof the air in the system
will then be in the oil reservoir.

Is your oil reservoir topped up to the line saying Max.
Yes it is. The roof has been put up and down many times. It is odd that it just stops. Before it broke the pump would continue to go for around 5 seconds. It just stops dead very close to the top.
The only thing I can think of is to buy a new roof pump but my fear is that it will make no difference and I would have wasted £1200
But it doesn't explain why it will not bring the roof down
The sensors, Page 15....... I think they are attached to the pistons.


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It does know when the roof is up. When you turn on the ignition. It warns you that the roof is open. If you go to the control panel and select roof then close. Nothing happens no noise nothing.

Roof hydraulics senders 1-4 G491 ... G494

Are the senders the sensors?
Yes, sender/sensor, as I understand it these detect when the piston is in the fully up and fully down position, so could be worth a look.
Located at each of the 2 pistons.
Can't see that there is a problem with the sensors. Shall I buy a new pump?
It does know when the roof is up. When you turn on the ignition. It warns you that the roof is open. If you go to the control panel and select roof then close. Nothing happens no noise nothing.
not quite, it knows when the roof is "Not Down" and that generates the warning off roof open and that is different to the roof is fully up.

You should be able to partially open, close, open again as I have done many times when cleaning seals etc. so are you sure it not the button on the control panel.?
not quite, it knows when the roof is "Not Down" and that generates the warning off roof open and that is different to the roof is fully up.
Good point, noticed this the other day when I left my roof open a foot or so to air. As you say its really just telling you its not closed!
I wouldn't start replacing anything yet without getting more input, maybe @VW Guru could help.
My money is still with the sensors rather than the pump or piston.
New sensors is £240. New hydraulic is £330 per side. New pump is £1,150. £2,000 in total. If it would definitely fix the issue I would pay for it. I am just not convinced. Plus labour obviously
If both sides are going up and down I would think the hydraulic pistons are ok. I would have thought VW should be able to test that the sensors and electrics are working as they should.
Hi if the sensors go down which is not uncommon then there is normally a fault code stored in the roof control unit of either 1000,1010,1001or 1011 have the on board roof control unit fault codes been checked ?
Interestingly the roof did extend fully this time and the control unit says roof fault which it has not done before. Maybe because it is a very hot day

VW California Club
