Purchasing Cali



VIP Member
T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
Hi Guys,

I’m new to this forum and I am in the process of hunting for a Cali SE/Ocean after hiring out an Ocean last weekend as a test and it being a roaring success.

I have done a fair bit of research, so I think I know what it am after, however I no doubt haven’t ventured all the way down the rabbit hole.

I have a couple questions, which I was hoping to get some assistance with.

- I’m after a 2nd hand Cali Ocean/Se. I’m not considering a conversion due to depreciation uncertainty.
- I’m after the SE/Cali and not the beach as we found the downstairs bed more than fine for me and the missus and we like the additions those models come with.

The questions I have are:
- when choosing between T5 SE and T6. I understand the difference in Eu 5/6 regs and that T6 technology upgrades (usb etc) can make quite a difference. However, I’m more concerned about depreciation. If you can afford it, does it make sense to spend the extra. £££ on a 2nd hand T6 rather than T5 as in the long run the T6 will hold value better?. Ie let’s just say in 5 yrs time a 2015 T5 SE has 100k on the clock but a 2017 T6 has the same amount. With the same extras, do people think that a T6 would hold the relative increased value, or would it make more sense to save some cash and get USB ports etc fitted if necessary to a T5.

- Similarly, if you had the option of two T5 Cali SEs both with same extras, similar price., 1 was 2013 35, 000 on clock and the other 2015 55,000 on clock, is it better investment to take newer model, higher mileage or older model, lower mileage.

whilst I appreciate getting extras fitted retrospectively can be expensive. Are there many things that just can’t be changed retrospectively?. Ie cruise control, dynamic suspension, larger media screen etc...

- has anyone got experience of dynamic suspension. We hired a T6 Ocean 204PS, it was amazing, however as we are not normally van drivers the van felt very er.... ‘bouncy’, is this just what it is like to drive a Cali or does dynamic suspension improve this?.

- lastly, I was amazed at the power of 204PS. I’m no boy racer, but what are people’s opinion of 150 VS 204?. Perhaps I just have to try myself.

All input very much appreciated...

Thanks in advance
Hi Guys,

I’m new to this forum and I am in the process of hunting for a Cali SE/Ocean after hiring out an Ocean last weekend as a test and it being a roaring success.

I have done a fair bit of research, so I think I know what it am after, however I no doubt haven’t ventured all the way down the rabbit hole.

I have a couple questions, which I was hoping to get some assistance with.

- I’m after a 2nd hand Cali Ocean/Se. I’m not considering a conversion due to depreciation uncertainty.
- I’m after the SE/Cali and not the beach as we found the downstairs bed more than fine for me and the missus and we like the additions those models come with.

The questions I have are:
- when choosing between T5 SE and T6. I understand the difference in Eu 5/6 regs and that T6 technology upgrades (usb etc) can make quite a difference. However, I’m more concerned about depreciation. If you can afford it, does it make sense to spend the extra. £££ on a 2nd hand T6 rather than T5 as in the long run the T6 will hold value better?. Ie let’s just say in 5 yrs time a 2015 T5 SE has 100k on the clock but a 2017 T6 has the same amount. With the same extras, do people think that a T6 would hold the relative increased value, or would it make more sense to save some cash and get USB ports etc fitted if necessary to a T5.

- Similarly, if you had the option of two T5 Cali SEs both with same extras, similar price., 1 was 2013 35, 000 on clock and the other 2015 55,000 on clock, is it better investment to take newer model, higher mileage or older model, lower mileage.

whilst I appreciate getting extras fitted retrospectively can be expensive. Are there many things that just can’t be changed retrospectively?. Ie cruise control, dynamic suspension, larger media screen etc...

- has anyone got experience of dynamic suspension. We hired a T6 Ocean 204PS, it was amazing, however as we are not normally van drivers the van felt very er.... ‘bouncy’, is this just what it is like to drive a Cali or does dynamic suspension improve this?.

- lastly, I was amazed at the power of 204PS. I’m no boy racer, but what are people’s opinion of 150 VS 204?. Perhaps I just have to try myself.

All input very much appreciated...

Thanks in advance
1. Forget about USB ports etc: Easily fitted . I have the capability of 11 USB ports and 7 12V sockets if needed.
2.Low milage vehicles can have more problems than high milage , worn disks due to corrosion and pads , service items that are time related and/or milage not done etc:
3. Whether you buy a 2nd hand T5 or T6 I doubt if the depreciation rate from the sale price would be that much different, but be aware the mechanicals of the T5 have been well tested but the T6 with all the Euro6 emissions equipment etc is just over 3 yrs old and some of the new electronics on the T6 are expensive to repair such as Lane Assist and the Radar for the ACC.
4. The Habitation/Camping side of things is the same on the T5/T6.
5.It is a Van so will ride better loaded. Dynamic Suspension does not seem to be a common option. If you don't like the ride then there are plenty of low cost options such as Anti-Roll bars or VW lowering springs - other makes available.
6. T5 140 or T6 150 will be fine.
7. 4 Motion does more than help on wet grass campsites it does give a more planted feel on the road and I've never had wheelspin and I'm no " Granny Driver ".
Thanks very much for the swift and helpful reply WG, invaluable.
Vw have that many price increases it tends to push up the prices of all there vans ,, when I bought my first California in 08 for 30k it was 6 months old I kept it 2.5 years and sold it for 32k then I bought a brand new 11plate had it a year and got every penny back....for basically the same van now expect to pay 50k up.
I also bought a 15plate Kombi for 20k then sold it 2 years later for 23k
If you pick the right van you won’t loose much ....try to stick with vwsh and colours that aren’t offensive and well looked after models and you won’t go far wrong..
Vw have that many price increases it tends to push up the prices of all there vans ,, when I bought my first California in 08 for 30k it was 6 months old I kept it 2.5 years and sold it for 32k then I bought a brand new 11plate had it a year and got every penny back....for basically the same van now expect to pay 50k up.
I also bought a 15plate Kombi for 20k then sold it 2 years later for 23k
If you pick the right van you won’t loose much ....try to stick with vwsh and colours that aren’t offensive and well looked after models and you won’t go far wrong..
Thanks for the input. It sounds very promising. I think I still have the internal battle of buying Cali asap vs holding out for the right one. Also not knowing what ‘the right one’ is. The above points you made re vwsh, well looked after makes perfect sense on top of standard vehicle purchasing ie mileage, age, accidents etc... normally when buying a new car I will always get AA inspected, is it worth doing same with Calis or is there a professional alternative to check all the internal complexities?. Or is it as simple as just checking for internal damage, marks, pop up functionality and canvas warping along with rust etc around hook up points?.

Also, the age/price range I am looking at tends to mean expired warranty. Is this a big risk and as warranties are 3yr can you extend once expired?

Sorry.... question flood gates have opened
I think if you have a good eye for bodywork checking all the panels are nice and straight would be my first check,then look in the door shuts for signs of overspray.it will normally look a rough texture not uniform shiny finish.next look underneath for signs of damage overspray.then check service history all tally’s up.then inside if the canvas has any lumpy bits at the front sticking out it’s probably been closed and the bellows bent out the wrong way .then check material for nicks,
Then just try all the camping bits ..buying out of warranty can be a risk but there pretty reliable.
Never had a single problem with all my vans in over 10 yrs apart from earth shunt fixed under warranty by removing the fridge..and they left oily finger prints everywhere.
Apart from that just try to use common sense don’t let the love take over;)
Thanks for the input. It sounds very promising. I think I still have the internal battle of buying Cali asap vs holding out for the right one. Also not knowing what ‘the right one’ is. The above points you made re vwsh, well looked after makes perfect sense on top of standard vehicle purchasing ie mileage, age, accidents etc... normally when buying a new car I will always get AA inspected, is it worth doing same with Calis or is there a professional alternative to check all the internal complexities?. Or is it as simple as just checking for internal damage, marks, pop up functionality and canvas warping along with rust etc around hook up points?.

Also, the age/price range I am looking at tends to mean expired warranty. Is this a big risk and as warranties are 3yr can you extend once expired?

Sorry.... question flood gates have opened
The AA check will be confined to the " Vehicle " aspects. I doubt if they have the knowledge or experience to check the camping side of things, Pop Up roof/fridge/Parking Heater etc:
If you become a VIP member then there is a Handy Checklist in the VIP Downloads section relating to the Camping side of things. What should be there and how to check etc:.
Thanks, I saw the checklist thread so I shall def be signing up.

Im booked in to view a Cali next month, so I shall keep you all posted.

In the meantime I shall keep hunting in case this one doen’t work out.

From what I have seen so far, Cali owners understand the financial reward of keeping their vans well maintained as well as having a passion for them in the first place, so hopefully makes life simpler.
Another question. Rather than using a generic guide like Parker’s etc... is there a more specific VW Cali guide that can assist me in calculating what is a fair price to pay for used Cali. Ie based on good, excellent condition, age mileage, then add on x for y extra.

I appreciate that the acceptable price for the Cali comes down to how much the buyer is comfortable paying, but a calc like this would be very useful to keep emotion in check
As regards to which model to buy, T5 or T6 I'd advise on the T6 due to the current political and environmental pressure for cleaner vehicles.
Reason being simply that the T6 is Euro6 level which is current and looks like it will remain so (with some ammendments) for some time yet and vehicles below Euro6 spec will become increasingly legislated of the road making them undesirable on the secondhand market.
I have dynamic suspension and quite like it. I use it more than i thought I would.

Expensive option from new, but I don’t believe it adds much value on resale.

As previously mentioned, there are other cheaper ways to improve the ride.
Thanks guys, my mind is torn at the moment between paying essentially 10k more to get a newer T6 vs cheaper, older T5. Pros being the previously mentioned. The cons being the obvious of said ££ from savings. However, those cons may be mitigated by the higher resale value.... ie if all hell breaks loose in the next couple years I can always sell and recouperate the added expense.

Do feel slightly ill at the thought of spending so much money though... ha!
It’s a difficult decision.

I had a 5.1 and went to a T6. There is little real difference between the two on a day to day living basis, but depreciation is virtually none existant so most of the extra ££ can be converted back to cash if needs be.

If I knew I didn’t need the extra £10k instantly, I’d go newer. If it was my sole emergency fund I would go older.
Thanks again... sounds like the missus and I need to discuss acceptable emergency fund size..
Has anyone got much experience with vinyl wrap or removing existing vinyl wrap and/or changing canvas colour?, does the vinyl wrap degrade swiftly etc... Whilst White is not my first choice colour of Cali, I love the two tone looks. Especially the white/ocean blue with ocean blue canvas.two tones are however few and far between and I ain’t buying a new Cali So it got me thinking about gunning for a white Cali which could then essentially be a blankish canvas for wrapping. I appreciate you can fully vinyl wrap any vehicle if you wish, but assuming only needing to do half would be cheaper. Any thoughts?
Hi Canyon.
Me and my wife have just been through exactly your dilemma. In the end we chose to reduce the emergency fund a push for a T6. A couple of deciding factors for us. Firstly the point made in post 11 about older emissions levels vehicles being increasingly legislated against. You can see it in London’s ultra low emission zone already. T5 you have to pay. T6 not yet. Ok that’s London and we don’t imagine driving into big cities in our Cali, but it indicates direction of travel re policy on emissions. The 2nd point was that of warranty. The piece. Of mind that gave us was important vs the unknown risk of an older vehicle. Obviously personal financial situation is a factor as well as it is clearly 10k more.
On the subject of 150. Vs 204; we drove a 204 rented and a 180 and loved the way they drove. Ended up buying a 150 without having driven it and was really pleasantly surprised that it didn’t feel much different from the other two. I don’t drive quickly but 150 still has enough in mid range to get you passed the slow movers on single lane rounds.
Last point we found that there were some new (or pre-registered) vehicles for cheaper than 1 year old so ended up buying a pre-reg. you have to be a bit more flexible about spec/colour but feel like we got a right bargain.
Forgot to say, I too felt quite sick at the prospect of shelling out that amount. It fades!
Forgot to say, I too felt quite sick at the prospect of shelling out that amount. It fades!
It is a massive outlay. Plus, for us, the purchase was just the beginning: Jackyards seat covers and dual solar panels added another £2,500 to the cost; Brandrup bling, driveaway awning, fitted sheets, compressor fridge (we have a Beach) and soon you are looking at £5,000 or so additional costs; upgraded driveway at home and £10,000 +++ to the on the road price is the shocking cost of the Cali.

Still - it’s cheaper than a holiday home, and with the Cali you can move your holiday home to wherever you like. As an additional benefit you can use the Cali as a two bedroom extension to your house.
Cheers for the feedback. It is very much appreciated. My sentiments are that if I am going to spend 40k+ I would rather get what I want and have piece of mind. (sustainability global mindset, valid warranty etc..) if that means spending a bit more and that is possible. So be it.
I asked this before, but can anyone recommend a good price guide?. Or is glass/Parker’s guide suitable?
I asked this before, but can anyone recommend a good price guide?. Or is glass/Parker’s guide suitable?
There is no price guide that is worth consulting. AFAIK, you can only do the leg work comparing the specs / ages / miles etc etc of all the vans available.
Some folk have used the we buy any car website to get valuations and even have sold there, but the results seem very varied, so isn't a substitute for the hard graft with the classifieds.
Go through the Das well site and also here and eBay .....
you will see some vans they are more expensive than new vans ....and a lot of well priced ones ...some people chance it and it may pay off,,, others go for the general value it’s these vans that sell quick..there’s no differences in van just price....
Cheers Guys. No probs with the research, I love this stuff.
It’s the same issue when selling, where to pitch it? I went a bit too high, got a few nibbles but no one wanted to buy.

After I dropped the price it sold fine. I was happy with what I got for it.

This sites classified ads are a good place to start, and if buying one not too old, then VW used sites give you an idea. You will some optimistic prices from some dealers though.

Given the thread on eBay scammers, just steer clear of the “bargain, price too good to be true” vehicles on that site.

Good luck!!

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