Question about my charger



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T4 PopTop
Hi everyone, so I've been busy checking everything out on my new Cali and so far I'm delighted to say that everything is working as it should.
I have had it on hook-up for the past few days, it seems slow to charge the leisure battery, after two days its only on six bars, should it take this long?
I've read other posts about the chargers in some Calis being able to charge the leisure and engine battery.
I've checked the leisure battery with a meter and the charger is working when on hook up. I also checked the engine battery while on hook-up and I'm getting 13.something Volts, but it doesn't change when I turn off the mains hookup. So I'm not sure if my charger is set up to charge both batteries.
I took two photos of my charger and relay to see if anybody can tell from the photos which setup I have.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
IMG_3161.JPG IMG_3162.JPG
In my opinion, (which is OK but not up there with sidepod ;)) that's the original charger.

In understanding if it's charging the engine battery, you want to watch for a lift in volts when you initially plug in, and a drop in volts CONSIDERABLY AFTER you've unplugged. I think it won't start charging the engine battery until the leisure battery is (nearly) full.
Yea that's what I was looking for, a change of voltage when the hook up is plugged in, and what you have said was one of my suspicions, that it may wait until the leisure battery is charged before it starts charging the main engine battery.
My Intel tells me no. My previous van did because I bought a new unit from Günzl and it was wired to accept two outputs.

My new van (same as yours) doesn't.

To be absolutely sure take a photo of the connector blocks as they plug into the charger. If there is a dedicated output for the engine battery it will be obvious, you'll have three plugs : one for the main 240v in, one multi pin for the leisure battery output and control to the overhead display and one two pin plug feeding the engine battery.
On my 99 coach the onboard charger does not charge the engine battery.
The simplest way to achieve this is to replace the original relay in your photo with an intelligent bi-directional relay. These relays can sense which battery is being charged and only switch when the first battery is charged to about 80%. On hookup it only charge engine battery when leisure battery is good and when you start engine it waits until the starter battery is good before charging leisure..
Just be sure it is bi-directional. Just connect the heavy red wires from your relay and a connection to earth.
On my 99 coach the onboard charger does not charge the engine battery.
The simplest way to achieve this is to replace the original relay in your photo with an intelligent bi-directional relay. These relays can sense which battery is being charged and only switch when the first battery is charged to about 80%. On hookup it only charge engine battery when leisure battery is good and when you start engine it waits until the starter battery is good before charging leisure..
Just be sure it is bi-directional. Just connect the heavy red wires from your relay and a connection to earth.
Spec sheet? Link?
My Intel tells me no. My previous van did because I bought a new unit from Günzl and it was wired to accept two outputs.

My new van (same as yours) doesn't.

To be absolutely sure take a photo of the connector blocks as they plug into the charger. If there is a dedicated output for the engine battery it will be obvious, you'll have three plugs : one for the main 240v in, one multi pin for the leisure battery output and control to the overhead display and one two pin plug feeding the engine battery.
Cheers for the advice, I'll take a look at the weekend as Its in for a timing belt and full service and check over. The rear seat wouldn't go back far enough to allow me to see the front of the charger so I need to loosen the screw/stopper in the rail to allow the seat to go back furthur.
Pull the bench seat forward as far as it will go then access the charger from behind it.

Before you pull the seat forward remove two screws holding the panel in from inside the left hand cupboard.
Pull the bench seat forward as far as it will go then access the charger from behind it.

Before you pull the seat forward remove two screws holding the panel in from inside the left hand cupboard.
Tried that, when its fully forward I still cant see the front of the charger. I had it fully forward in the pics at the beginning of this topic. When I get it back at the weekend I will remove the screws in the seat rails and get it to move further forward or backward.
Ah yes. I mean fwd so the bench seat is almost up against the rear of the front seats.
The idea of a bi directional relay is brilliant . Do we need to do anything if different if it's on a Blue Motion vehicle ? I didn't think you could get good charging with a relay on a Blue Motion vehicle
Leaving the bi direction relay aside, surely the ECU monitors the leisure battery state and adjust the smart alternator output accordingly?

Note. The OP is discussing a T4 so smart alternator tech won't apply.
Apologies for going off topic as regards Smart alternator but it was an attempt to answer the question about Blue Motion.
I imagine it would be difficult for the smart alternator to only charge the leisure battery but all that new stuff is way above my pay grade.. But it is interesting and keeps the old grey matter active other than trying to remember what I went out to the van to do.
Si I finally managed to get a few photos of the connections on my charger.
So from these photos can you tell if its only charging the leisure battery or the engine battery also?
I've spent the last hour looking for a tread or post that someone had posted about changing their charging relay to a voltage sensing relay, but I can find it anywhere? I'm 100% sure it was on this forum I saw it. Does anyone remember this being discussed on here?

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