Rear door blind.......... creased?



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T5 SE 180
Just wondering if anyone encountered this?

Seems the rear door roller blind creased when it was stored away after the last outing. Used it this weekend and spotted the crease. (Sods law its just after the 3year warranty)

Pretty strong crease so was wondering if it can be removed or needs to be replaced.
Just wondering if anyone encountered this?

Seems the rear door roller blind creased when it was stored away after the last outing. Used it this weekend and spotted the crease. (Sods law its just after the 3year warranty)

Pretty strong crease so was wondering if it can be removed or needs to be replaced.
I very much doubt if this would have been accepted as a warranty repair if the blind is working properly - User Error.
I would just leave the blind out, under tension , even use a hair dryer on it to warm it up and then carefully let it rewind when warm. It will happen again to one or other of the blinds if not allowed to rewind under tension.
Yes I have used it so therefore guilty as charged.

Tried the hairdryer and have left it closed since Saturday. Photo from this morning.

Note the diagonal pull on the blind
You could try wetting it, then warm it and then carefully rewind it closed and check in 24 hrs. Then leave it down to fully dry.
Mine has had a diagonal pull ever since VW "fixed it" when they wouldnt return, i never really complained but it has bugged me ever since. Im out of warranty now and know they can be replaced but it is a hefty task from all accounts because of the trim all needs removing.
£161 for the blind only. Not too bad considering it VAG. The blind is pop rivetted to the door frame. If I cant remove the crease then I'm going to have to dust off my trim removal tools.
Could you pull it out horizontally, using a friend for help lay it across a board/tray?? etc. and gently steam iron it on the lowest setting?? I would place a towel or similar on the board to prevent further creases and absorb any moisture.
My rear blind is always pulled up /closed but everytime when i do roll it in for cleaning the window it's a pain to roll up without a fold in it .
Guess it' s to big ...
I wouldn’t mind a crease or 2,
My blinds seem to creep up during the night causing me to wake up at the crack of dawn :talktothehand
I wouldn’t mind a crease or 2,
My blinds seem to creep up during the night causing me to wake up at the crack of dawn :talktothehand

Who is Dawn? I would like to meet her
Just a thought, but would the steam from a steam generator iron help lessen the crease?Worth a try if you’re on the point of replacing anyway?
Low heat okay but not really effective on the crease. Water and heat more effective but it breaks down the silver coating applied to the material.

So at the moment I have a blind that I can roll up with care. Internally you can see some of the silver missing. Externally you will have to look for the crease.

So I decided to buy a new one but stopped right at the 11th hour when I reviewed the quality of my original blind. The material has a diagonal pull to it (not sure what the technical term is) and the other half mentioned that we might end up renewing it and having a blind with similar / worse trait. The crease was always going to happen.
So I decided to buy a new one but stopped right at the 11th hour when I reviewed the quality of my original blind. The material has a diagonal pull to it (not sure what the technical term is) and the other half mentioned that we might end up renewing it and having a blind with similar / worse trait. The crease was always going to happen.

If the crease was caused by a fault in the "the wind out" bit perhaps there is a warranty claim. If do not ask you do not get.

VW California Club
