Rear window tinting

The Merle

The Merle

4x4 joker
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Lifetime VIP Member
Cairngorms/New forest
Hi everyone

I'm looking to get the rear side windows tinted on my van, just want to know if anyone has had the foil applied. If yes what percentage of darkness did you go for, I looked at the 20% on a car which looked good, thought the limo tint was a bit to dark.
I live in Southampton and if anyone can recommend a company that would be great.
I have popped down to monster wrap and they quoted £200 which seemed ok.
I have the factory tint which I think is to light. I had a Discovery 3 with a Limo tint which was pretty much black and this wasn't dark at all when inside but you had to press your nose against the glass to see inside and even then it was still pretty much obscured; I am definitely going this route with the Claifornia for greater privacy as well as a stronger external look. The big benefit with the Cali is that with an absence of rear screen heater elements you won't get the after market tint look that happens when you apply film over the top of the elements - the bus will look jet black without the orange stripes.
Going to get my Beach done Friday or Monday and have decided on the the 'High Performance Charcoal 15%'' from Eclipse in Aylesbury. I looked at the various options and this seemed the best one. Normal film was £220 and I'm paying £250.

I have double glazing, no rear screen element and not much in the way of the matrix dots around the edge so hopefully will be black up to the edge.

Got the Cali tinted on Friday and I'm really pleased with the result. Went for the the '15% High Performance Charcoal film' from Eclipse Aylesbury It is metallised so will reflect a bit more than just the dyed film.



Need to get the bike rack back on - the Cali looks strange without it!


PC271063.JPG PC281075.JPG

Looks good is the before with Privacy glass??

On a side not am I the only one that thinks the rear mudflaps look odd being that far from the arch??

bournemouthbeach said:

Looks good is the before with Privacy glass??

On a side not am I the only one that thinks the rear mudflaps look odd being that far from the arch??


The original glass is double glazed and transmits slightly less light that's why is probably looks like the greenish tint you see on VWs.

I would always go for the factory tint, although if you want a demonstrator at a good deal you need to make compromises :D

You can't have double glazing and privacy as a factory fit on the Beach. Although I'm surprised at the number of Cali's I've seen with clear glass.

The mudflaps do look odd, I wonder whether any after markets ones fit in the conventional position.

Goldie your Beach looks really good, colour combo with tint works well.
Do they put film on inside or outside ? Can I ask how much it cost as that looks about what I want & live in Milton Keynes so Eclipse are not far from me. Cheers.
Cost for the High Performance Metallised charcoal is £250, the dyed charcoal was £220. The film goes on the inside, although it is cut and shaped on the outside windows first.

The film is made by this company

Worthwhile going along getting some samples and talking to John beforehand.

Goldie said:
bournemouthbeach said:

Looks good is the before with Privacy glass??

On a side not am I the only one that thinks the rear mudflaps look odd being that far from the arch??


The original glass is double glazed and transmits slightly less light that's why is probably looks like the greenish tint you see on VWs.

I would always go for the factory tint, although if you want a demonstrator at a good deal you need to make compromises :D

You can't have double glazing and privacy as a factory fit on the Beach. Although I'm surprised at 6the number of Cali's I've seen with clear glass.

The mudflaps do look odd, I wonder whether any after markets ones fit in the conventional position.


Cheers Goldie

Glad im not the only that thinks they look odd, Im not fitting them for that reason.

Good work on getting a demo you wear happy with... We couldnt after my wife saw a
Hi Andy

Your Cali looks really good with tints, will def book mine in the new year. Will need to find someone a bit closer to home to get tints done, how long did it take for them to do?

senna750 said:
Hi Andy

Your Cali looks really good with tints, will def book mine in the new year. Will need to find someone a bit closer to home to get tints done, how long did it take for them to do?

It was around 5 hours. The double glazed Cali was easy and didn't need trim removal. I think single glazed will also be simple in that they are large flattish panels, although may take a bit longer. Best to ask the experts though. John has now done single and double glazed Cali, give him a call.

I'm know I'm late to the party on this post, but I had my Cali windows done by John at Eclipse earlier in the year. Great service, great results, would not hesitate to recommend him, very pleased with the results :D

Andy said:
johntowers46 said:
I went for limo tint all around apart from front door windows.

isn't that a bit dark in the back ?

I'd be a bit wary of having them too dark as I like a bit of visibility around the van when driving, I do tend to look over my left shoulder as well as using the mirrors as overtaking on the inside seems to be coming more common. I do notice a difference between before and after. Look at my pics above and you'll see why.

Goldie said:
Andy said:
johntowers46 said:
I went for limo tint all around apart from front door windows.

isn't that a bit dark in the back ?

I'd be a bit wary of having them too dark as I like a bit of visibility around the van when driving, I do tend to look over my left shoulder as well as using the mirrors as overtaking on the inside seems to be coming more common. I do notice a difference between before and after. Look at my pics above and you'll see why.


I opted for ultra dark jet black limo tint, can hardly see in from the outside but from inside you can see out easily. However the tint is manufactured, it's a clever system .
Had mine done at autoeclipse, unfortunately is too dark in the van now so will have to get John to redo with a slightly lighter tint.

VW California Club
