Reflective bike rackrack

That is interesting @WelshGas, where did you find that info?
Caravan Club, but site is down for a makeover.

This is the Italian Legislation.

"Art. 361. Pannelli per la segnalazione della sporgenza longitudinale del carico (art. 164 C.s.).
I pannelli quadrangolari per segnalare sporgenze longitudinali del carico da installarsi alla estremità della sporgenza ai sensi dell'articolo 164, comma 9, del codice devono corrispondere al tipo indicato nella figura V.3 e devono avere una superficie minima di 2500 cmq. Detta superficie deve essere rivestita con materiale retroriflettente a strisce alternate bianche e rosse disposte a 45º. 2. Il pannello di cui al comma 1 deve essere visibile sia di giorno che di notte. A tal fine sulla superficie del pannello, costituito di norma da lamiera metallica, deve essere applicata pellicola rifrangente di classe 2, sia per le strisce bianche che per quelle rosse. 3. Quando il carico sporge longitudinalmente per l'intera larghezza della parte posteriore del veicolo, i pannelli di segnalazione devono essere due, posti trasversalmente, ciascuno da un estremo del carico, o della sagoma sporgente. 4. In ordine alla fabbricazione, prova e omologazione dei pannelli di segnalazione previsti dal presente articolo si applicano le disposizioni dell'articolo 192 (1). (1) Comma così modificato dall'art. 204, d.P.R. 16 settembre 1996, n. 610."

In English (Googles' translation):
"Art 361. Panels for the reporting of the longitudinal projection of the load (Art. 164 Cs).
quadrilateral panels to report longitudinal projections of the load to be installed at the end of the projection according to Article 164, paragraph 9, the code must match the type shown in Figure V.3 and must have a minimum area of 2500 cmq. This surface should be coated with reflective material stripes alternating red and white placed at 45 º. 2. The panel set out in paragraph 1 shall be visible both day and night. To this end, on the surface of the panel normally consists of metal sheet, reflective film should be applied to Class 2, for both white stripes to red ones. 3. When the load protrudes lengthwise across the entire width of the rear of the vehicle, the signal must be two panels, seats across, each from one end of the load, or protruding shape. 4. In regard to the manufacture, testing and approval panels reporting under this Article, the provisions of Article 192 (1). (1) as amended by Clause. 204 DPR 16 September 1996, No 610."
Do you need one on a folded VW bike rack?
Do you need one on a folded VW bike rack?
Legally, I don't know but have been told that if it extends beyond the footprint of the vehicle then you could be stopped.
However, there is no requirement in the UK for any additional signage and if you have a GB plate on then you should be driving under UK requirements and they should accept that BUT you may have to argue your case.
I'm sure many have driven in Italy or Spain without such a sign and never been stopped. But!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumb
When in Italy and Spain am I required to have the striped board when using a tow ball rack that has lights and number plate?

Yes, anything that increases the original foot print of the vehicle needs a daft stripey board thing.

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