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Revo engine remapping



VIP Member
If anyone has experience of this I'd be interested to hear about it. Also the Seikel suspension mods although I guess that should be another topic. Thanks! have a revo remap .good thing is. they work with vw to get it wright .dan at van work in dorset done my van .all so look at getting a piper cross air filter .straight swap .get 5bhp more .vanwork have a offer on till end of the week .20% off .depends on what model you have [*]
VAGTech at Bletchley are now entrusted with my Cali's powertrain after recent dealings with the Van Centre. At least I now have rhd wiper blades!

Happy to report that the Stage 1 remap makes the 174 very lively even well under 2000rpm and it pulls beautifully in 6th uphill now when otherwise I'd have been in 5th or even 4th.. Haven't done a run yet but mpg pretty much the same on commuting.

And when I say lively, I mean lively. Re-education of the right foot required. But it's terrific :)

Before the remap the Cali had gone into limp mode once and they diagnosed gummed up variable vane turbo. Rather than replace it they recommend a slow and methodical de-coking process which takes a day (have to start with it cold). Problem hasn't recurred but will be taking it in to them to have the work done. Really nice people and they were chuffed to bits to have a Cali in there for sorting - grinning like mad and taking lots of photos. If I get the Seikel uplift kit I think I'll ask them to fit it.
i went for the revo remap and a forge intercooler 235 bhp now .its got wings :D .had 130mph the rolling rd :shocked .fuel is a lot better after remap to :D
Revo do some good work, my only criticism is that they write a line of code into the software that locks that ecu to them. If you develop a fault you have to take it to them for them to remove the code or allow you access.

For you California owners I would recommend using Pendle Performance (i'm an agent) as we tune more Transporters that any one else in the UK and the majority of us drive T5's as daily drivers too. :D
Having just had my van tuned by Terry at Pendle I can really recommend them I have 5.1 California 4 Motion which had very bad turbo lag a real pain to drive after a remap, no more lag and the van pulls like a train. :D
I was tempted by Pendle but my local dealership lapsed so went with Revo, which I appreciate may be more restrictive. Good grief, does it transform your T5 into something that makes you smile every time you drive it, so i'd recommend investigating these guys, Pendle and/or Revo.
We had our 56 plate 180bhp remapped, (by VAS of Wareham, Poole) using Revo software to 215bhp (as I seem to remember) three years ago. Nothing but praise for the way they initially assessed the vehicle, completed the work, and its performance since. Not only is it more 'drivable' and economical but it is also quieter at cruising speeds (70-80mph). Just for the record VAS declined to do the upgrade initially due to a suspected turbo bearing problem. This was investigated by VW Breeze who put it down to a perished O ring on the bearing housing, which resulted in a minor oil leak. O ring replaced, VAS then completed the work and three years later on no regrets. Only critical comment could be made now is that due to the improved performance, anti-roll bars could do with an upgrade to flatten out cornering stresses.
We are now 2 years in from our Stage 1 Revo remap on the 170 4Motion and the Cali runs better than ever. A recent motorway run keeping to the speed limits clocked over 39mpg and we get around 30 on the daily commute to work. Goes like the clappers, really responsive and the only niggle is a little 'lump' around 1300rpm which might have even been there before the remap. Best money I ever spent on the vehicle.
Any up to date info on VAGTech, I'm only 20 mins from them and looking to chip my 5.1 140ps Cali..

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