
T5 SE 174
My Cali has arrived at Shorades and the following clarification has been received about the warranty relating to the repair - thought you might be interested. Extract of email from Mark Thornsby + Shorade 4th May 2016

Thank you for allowing Shorade Accident Repair Centre to carry out the repairs to your vehicle.

The repairs to your VW California are subject to strict repair guidelines supplied to us by VWG

These repairs include the renewal of the front roof section and the canvas tent, we will also be repairing the corrosion on the elevating roof, not replacing it as mentioned below, we will also be fitting a new seal to the edge of the roof

I have been informed by VWG that the warranty applied to the repair of your vehicle is as follows;

  • Shorade are liable to cover all work carried out for any workmanship related issues for 2 years following the recommended repair.
  • VWG covers any parts defect issues until the vehicle reaches 6 years of age.

We will give you periodic updates on the progress of repairs but please don’t hesitate to call if you require any further information
Very interesting, well done for getting it in writing :thumb
Hi all - further clarification from Mark Thornsby of Shorade ref "tape" issue as per follow up email today - he seems a decent guy who is genuinely interested

I am unaware of any issues with the reoccurrence of the “bubbling” for the work we have carried out to date, as mentioned we do follow the approved VW guidelines in the preparation of the roof and the application of the Zinc primer.

We originally started to fit the tape on the early repairs but have been advised that the fitment of the tape isn’t part of the repair process approved by Volkswagen, therefore we have stopped fitting it as part of that directive.
I'ts good that Shorades have stated about the two the year warranty. The get out clause may be "workmanship related issues" but unusally for me l think that VW may may have crackd it.

When ours was done by AB Crush, who did what l thought was a very good job, they did stick the new seal on, which l was not that happy about. It would be interesting to know what the official VW repair is? To to stick or not to stick, but apparently not to tape!
Sorry but Im not sure I agree VW have cracked it. All they are doing is ensuring that repairers provide a guarantee against their workmanship. I believe this to be commonplace with bodyshops. My understanding is that once the van is 6 years old that's it, if the problem comes back, you are on your own unless it happens within 2 years and you can prove it is a workmanship issue.
That ties up with what Shorade told us but interestingly VWCS are still stating it is just 1 years cover on the repair.

VW California Club
