Roof sensor failure

Hold the lower right button and push the turning knob at the same time .
A menu shows up , erase fault codes , reset .
Hi Hotel C,
Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately those options are not available on my control panel.----or I am losing it completely. ( quite possible !! )
My Cali is a 2007 vehicle with control panel part number 7H7 906 453C ( taken from the control panel display itself )
It has software level 08.00
Not sure if it makes any difference ?
Maybe mine control panel does not have the options you describe above ?

Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Hotel C,
Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately those options are not available on my control panel.----or I am losing it completely. ( quite possible !! )
My Cali is a 2007 vehicle with control panel part number 7H7 906 453C ( taken from the control panel display itself )
It has software level 08.00
Not sure if it makes any difference ?
Maybe mine control panel does not have the options you describe above ?

Any help would be appreciated.
It works on ALL California Control Panels.

Check Control Panel Diagnostics.

Control panel On

Press and Hold R lower button and then press Control Knob for 5 secs.

New Hidden Menu . Scroll to VW Diagnostics.

If there are any codes shown, take note and then Reset/Clear.

Return to Main Menu.

Switch Off Control Panel using L lower button. Wait 30 secs and Switch On by pressing L lower button.
Hi Welshgas ---thanks for the message.
I have already been into diagnostics. It shows " no error codes ".
Do I assume that because there are no error codes that there is no further option to reset/clear as there is nothing to clear and that's why that option is not available to me ?
Also if there are no error codes stored in the control panel diagnostics what would be your opinion on my problem ?
The roof looks fully down in the fully closed position.We have checked the roof many times internally and externally for anything obvious and visual that may be causing an issue.
We are however getting intermittent beeps when driving and sometimes a brief audible roof opening sound happens ( the sound you get when starting the roof opening or closing procedure.)
Its really disconcerting and is spoiling our enjoyment of using the van as we cannot relax fully when driving.
I currently have a strap over the top of the van as I bought my Cali second hand and it never had the official tie down additional security straps with it .
The strap does however flutter in the wind when driving and I am concerned that over a period of time it could damage the roof paintwork as we have quite a lot of mileage yet to cover and are a long way from home.
The situation also psychologically limits the speed we can travel at for fear of a catastrophic roof opening whilst on the move.
Any input or further advice from yourself or any other members would be much appreciated.
Hi Welshgas ---thanks for the message.
I have already been into diagnostics. It shows " no error codes ".
Do I assume that because there are no error codes that there is no further option to reset/clear as there is nothing to clear and that's why that option is not available to me ?
Also if there are no error codes stored in the control panel diagnostics what would be your opinion on my problem ?
The roof looks fully down in the fully closed position.We have checked the roof many times internally and externally for anything obvious and visual that may be causing an issue.
We are however getting intermittent beeps when driving and sometimes a brief audible roof opening sound happens ( the sound you get when starting the roof opening or closing procedure.)
Its really disconcerting and is spoiling our enjoyment of using the van as we cannot relax fully when driving.
I currently have a strap over the top of the van as I bought my Cali second hand and it never had the official tie down additional security straps with it .
The strap does however flutter in the wind when driving and I am concerned that over a period of time it could damage the roof paintwork as we have quite a lot of mileage yet to cover and are a long way from home.
The situation also psychologically limits the speed we can travel at for fear of a catastrophic roof opening whilst on the move.
Any input or further advice from yourself or any other members would be much appreciated.
Hi @dfps . If there are no fault codes registered, then as you have said there will be no Reset/Clear Option.

Personally, I would do as you have done. A strong Luggage Strap either from Grab handle to Grab Handle over the roof or out the door/over the roof and back through the other door and then tension it inside the cab . This will keep the front down when travelling, which is what you need. The back will stay down due to airflow. Because of the ribbing on the roof then the strap may flutter. You could put some Gaffer tape on the roof or wrap a towel around the strap lengthways with Gaffer tape to hold it on. Also, personally, I would switch Off the Control Panel using the L lower button, when travelling.

I'm afraid thats all i can suggest at the moment.

NB: What you've done with the strap is stronger than the Velcro straps that comprise the VW Tie Down Kit.
Hi Welshgas,

Thanks very much for getting back to me with those suggestions. Your advice is very much appreciated---as always.
In the absence of any permanent fix , temporary gaffer tape under the strap to protect any possible roof paintwork damage---great idea.
Will definitely do that.
My guess is that the roof is actually closed properly and that the temperatures here have something to do with sensors playing up ------as has been mentioned above in other postings when people have traveled to hot climates from colder ones.(although my van has been abroad to hot climates many times previously with no similar issues ).
Looks as if I will have to put up with the problem for the duration of our visit on the continent unless there is anyone else out there with additional personal experience of this problem or thoughts on the matter ?
Hi Welshgas ---thanks for the message.
I have already been into diagnostics. It shows " no error codes ".
Do I assume that because there are no error codes that there is no further option to reset/clear as there is nothing to clear and that's why that option is not available to me ?
Also if there are no error codes stored in the control panel diagnostics what would be your opinion on my problem ?
The roof looks fully down in the fully closed position.We have checked the roof many times internally and externally for anything obvious and visual that may be causing an issue.
We are however getting intermittent beeps when driving and sometimes a brief audible roof opening sound happens ( the sound you get when starting the roof opening or closing procedure.)
Its really disconcerting and is spoiling our enjoyment of using the van as we cannot relax fully when driving.
I currently have a strap over the top of the van as I bought my Cali second hand and it never had the official tie down additional security straps with it .
The strap does however flutter in the wind when driving and I am concerned that over a period of time it could damage the roof paintwork as we have quite a lot of mileage yet to cover and are a long way from home.
The situation also psychologically limits the speed we can travel at for fear of a catastrophic roof opening whilst on the move.
Any input or further advice from yourself or any other members would be much appreciated.
To reduce the flutter, try putting some twists into the strap.
I do think that the roof hooks somewhere at the lowest point , so when lowerd in emergency , it still is fixed a bit and the emergency straps just prevents the roof to up that few cm/inch to in-hook it and fully open . There will be not much tention on the emergency straps imo.
I have already had the panel replaced due to the 'button' breaking. The flashing roof up shows that the hydrolics are overheating.
Did the reset help?
Hi All,

Update on my roof potentially not shut situation.

I have taped the roof from side to side with 50mm gaffer tape under the position of the 25mm strapping to prevent any paint damage from the tape.
I then tied the strapping across the roof and tied it very tight to the interior grab handles above each front door.
Putting some twists in it as suggested by ArunAlec did help greatly reduce the wind flutter as it stopped the flat strapping acting like a wing and greatly reduced uplift of the strapping. ( Thanks ArunAlec )

Having also had the van in exposed hot sun and cooler shaded areas I have now come to the conclusion that the problem is almost certainly heat related.
When the van is in exposed hot sun the beepers and warning sounds happen.
After driving a short while with cooler air travelling over the van the sounds disappear.
We have also had a cooler few days ( a bit like normal UK summer weather and the beepers are not sounding at all.

I think it feasible therefore that it is a problem with a sensor overheating or the hydraulic system overheating giving a false reading in the control panel. I think it highly likely the roof is actually shut properly.

My van is dark grey and I am wondering if any of the other people with this problem have dark coloured vehicles ?----Just a theory ?Perhaps members could post bellow the colour of their van---if they have had the same problem ?

The strapping does however give that extra confidence that should there be a roof locking failure then the strapping should hold the roof down long enough to stop the vehicle safely and avoid any catastrophic accidents to myself or other road users.
I will leave the strapping on whilst still in France and try to sort the situation when I get back home to UK.

Thinking in advance of this, does anyone know where the sensors are located and any part numbers ?

Thanks---I hope this helps other people who look up the problem on the forum.
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Hi dspf
Last the roof problem occurred we were in the Pyrenees and had to drive back to Northumberland. I concluded the roof was correctly closed and the fault was with the sensors. You can stop the warning beeps by turning the control panel off but then you have no fridge. Also the control panel will not turn off if the roof is open!
Again as the temperature dropped the warnings stopped too. I believe each cylinder has two sensors for the opened & closed positions however these may not be the cause of the warning. Is there a separate sensor for the hydraulic temperature. When / if I find any other solution I will post.
Anyway the most interesting fact if appears this may be a similar problem caused by high temperatures, and my California is natural grey too.
I'll be keeping an eye on this; will report back if any reoccurrence, or extended period of being 'in the clear'

Reporting in ...

Another extended period with roof up - another 5 days, but this time in 'dreakit' weather in Edinburgh. None of the high 20's that I experienced last time - might have hit mid-teens at one point! No issues with the control panel display this time.

So, as per numerous other recent posts in other threads over the past couple of months by others, I'm of the opinion it's temperature related ; the roof sensors don't cope too well in expended periods of hotter temperatures.

Further to my earlier post:
From my experience temperature have to be well into the thirties also with bright sunshine. Never had any problem in UK.
There is a previous post on the effect of temperature on the cylinders and how to tape the cylinders of the roof with silver reflective tape to prevent it from heating due to direct sunlight
There is a previous post on the effect of temperature on the cylinders and how to tape the cylinders of the roof with silver reflective tape to prevent it from heating due to direct sunlight
OK I give up! I've searched but can't find it, anyone know where this thread is?

Also, sorry for ressurecting an old thread!
OK I give up! I've searched but can't find it, anyone know where this thread is?

Also, sorry for ressurecting an old thread!

Post #36.

Post #36.
There is a company in Devon (Cornwall?) that fits roofs from crashed Cali's onto base vans. I suspect they will know more about Cali roofs than anyone outside of the factory, and certainly more than any UK main dealer. You'll find them on ebay with a good search for VW California.
Any idea who they may be?
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!
Nerd alert: I wonder if they're called Kernow because of the German word Genau, meaning precisely and typically used to express "of course!"
Nerd alert: I wonder if they're called Kernow because of the German word Genau, meaning precisely and typically used to express "of course!"
No. Kernow is Cornish for Cornwall.

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