Should I empty water tank during Winter?



T6 Coast 204 4Motion
Hi there,

we have bought a new Cali, and are new to cold countries (we leave in Munich now).
we were wondering if we need to empty the water and waste water tanks due to the risk of freezing.
Hi there,

we have bought a new Cali, and are new to cold countries (we leave in Munich now).
we were wondering if we need to empty the water and waste water tanks due to the risk of freezing.
Yes, and drain the Water tap and pipe work As per the Handbook.
Thanks. Unfortunately I got the handbook in German. Need to order an English version. Anyone knows if there’s an e-version or the handbook?
Thanks. Unfortunately I got the handbook in German. Need to order an English version. Anyone knows if there’s an e-version or the handbook?
See here for methods to drain water tap and pipe work.

Before the colder weather started I drained half the tank then added a dose of Milton for a few days . The driving around made sure it splashed around inside the tank.
then after a few days drained out the main tank and purged through to the tap ... all done
I don’t drain the tank/system now, preferring to wire the van up when cold weather is forecast and plug in a small oil filled radiator to keep the temperature above freezing. Important to open all cupboard and wardrobe doors, plus remove rear cupboard bottom shelf above water tank/gas cylinder to allow warm air to circulate everywhere. Although we don’t use the van much in winter, at least it’s ready for action if we do use it.

First time I drained tank and tap plus removed fuse as per VW handbook, in spring time I found pump had seized and didn’t work. VW garage had to fit new pump but weren’t sure what had happened, suggesting perhaps pump itself had frozen.
[QUOTE = "FlyingTuga, příspěvek: 391659, člen: 20890"]

koupili jsme si novou Cali a jsme novými v chladných zemích (nyní v Mnichově odcházíme).
přemýšleli jsme, jestli musíme vyprázdnit nádrže na vodu a odpadní vodu kvůli riziku zamrznutí.

Thanks. Unfortunately I got the handbook in German. Need to order an English version. Anyone knows if there’s an e-version or the handbook?
Thanks. Unfortunately I got the handbook in German. Need to order an English version. Anyone knows if there’s an e-version or the handbook?
If you send me an emailadress, i send you a copy via google drive (75 mb)
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Can I ask a possible silly question...?

If you empty the tanks and run the tap until no further water emits...?
Wouldn’t this system now be empty instead of pulling fuses etc.
Or am I missing something...?
Can I ask a possible silly question...?

If you empty the tanks and run the tap until no further water emits...?
Wouldn’t this system now be empty instead of pulling fuses etc.
Or am I missing something...?
Problem doing that is you risk running the pump too long without water going through the impeller and it may knack the pump
Problem doing that is you risk running the pump too long without water going through the impeller and it may knack the pump

Fair comment.
This is what I’ve done last year and this year, being mindful not to run the pump to long...
Once the pump has run dry, it's not a positive displacement so leaves the pipework still full, so I think removing the power (fuse) allow water to drain backwards to the tank, from the left open tap, so that there is no chance of the pipework bursting.
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