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Sad story. Tactic I used with my boys when they started driving even though there generation an awful lot better than mine.Our business now has a policy of no mobile phone use whilst driving. if we call someone and hear road noise we say bye and call back later. Even our emergency engineers have to pull over to answer their phones.
We had various people from emergency services come in and talk about the reality of accidents. There was one guy, a truck driver, had spent years in jail and had killed someone. He was on hands free but thought he was on a dual carriageway because he was distracted by a mundane conversation. He went to overtake a hit a van head on. The other driver died. His story (from prison) sure did hit home and he was clearly broken by the experience.
It sure makes you think twice. So much so I didn't get a mic fitted on my van in the end.
"Why don't you drink and drive" puzzled look as it's obvious.
"Reason has nothing to do with getting caught or disqualified, your a good lad and if you caused an accident and injured or killed someone and had had a drink you would never recover from it"
That's the deterrent and also applies to this thread and a great deal of other things in life. Personal responsibility.
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