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That's completely different. You have quoted from the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (might be one for roof corrosion!) The 3-year manufacturer's warranty is separate and distinct from the act.I might have just found the answer to my own question. It appears that after 6 months it is up to you to show the fault is inherent and was there at the time of purchase.
From the This is Money website.
"Under UK law, buyers in England and Wales can get a partial refund or full repair up to six years after the purchase was made (five years from discovery in Scotland). The refund should take into account how much use the customer has already had of a product. Ultimately, a county court would decide this.
However, the likelihood of getting such a refund is dramatically reduced after just six months. The reason is that for six months after the purchase, it is up to the retailer to show that a fault on an item is down to the actions or misuse of the buyer, rather than an inherent fault in the product.
After six months, the burden of proof switches to the buyer and it is they who must then show a fault is due to some inherent problem, something that can be almost impossible in all but the most straightforward cases."
Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-1677034/Two-year-warranty-EU-law.html#ixzz4YsFcwDNI
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