Lifetime VIP Member
Does anyone know if the little wheels under the sliding table in the T6 Ocean have rubber o-rings on them? I am pretty sure there are supposed to be, but want to check. My local VW dealer thought I was a madman when I called, but I am in New Zealand and there are perhaps only about 50 Cali’s in the country, so I suppose they have no experience!
The wheels on mine aren’t worn out at all, but even after tightening up the wheel screws from below with an allen key, the hinge end of the table is still a bit wobbly, and it rattles when stowed. I have experimented by putting some suitably sized o-rings I found in my shed on the wheels to see if it would improve things, and thankfully it has. But they‘re not perfect so clearly not the right size, and I was wondering if anyone knows the correct specs of the OEM ones? Mabye a photo of the o-ring beside the wheel if anyone has a new one they don’t mind dismantling? Thanks!
The wheels on mine aren’t worn out at all, but even after tightening up the wheel screws from below with an allen key, the hinge end of the table is still a bit wobbly, and it rattles when stowed. I have experimented by putting some suitably sized o-rings I found in my shed on the wheels to see if it would improve things, and thankfully it has. But they‘re not perfect so clearly not the right size, and I was wondering if anyone knows the correct specs of the OEM ones? Mabye a photo of the o-ring beside the wheel if anyone has a new one they don’t mind dismantling? Thanks!