Gone bigger.
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That's the culprit !
Unfortunately in the California there's no way of accessing the underside of the track and viewing the dodgy drains. If there was I would be inclined to try some sealant.
I would suggest owners check the rear of the under sink cupboard as the water runs down the side panel and drips over the waste water tank.
SMG are raising the issue with VW.
I wouldn't hold your breath, as I said above these windows have had this problem ever since the T5 was introduced in 2003. I've lost count of the replacement windows I have had in three T5s and still await a version that does not leak. There was supposedly a new version introduced a while back which I have had fitted but I have still seen water ingress.
Dismantling the furniture cannot be that difficult as access must be possible for a dealer to change the window unit the removal method is with a cheese wire type cutter through the bonded area. My furniture being my own build means that I know how it's put together and so how to take it apart. Not as though it's worth doing as there is still no fix. The water drips onto the top of my fridge or down the door trim on the opposite side.