Solar Charging



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T5 SE 140
I'm thinking of getting some form of solar panel to keep the battery/batteries on my 2008 Cali charged up. It's not always possible to guarantee electrical hook-up when travelling round Europe and we sometimes find ourselves staying a few days in one place without moving the van. Generally our need for electricity isn't great when on site but there's always a call for phones, iPad or DVD players to be charged up!

I'm torn between a small dashboard-mounted (and inexpensive) job and something bigger mounted on the roof.

Has anyone got any experience of the two, who could share their thoughts ab out the pros and cons?
I've looked into this.

Those very tiny (around A4) ones are ok for keeping a charged battery topped up but if you put any demand on it (fridge, TV and so on) forget it.

Ideally you need something along the line's of a 85-120w unit but these are not that small. Roof mount to be happy or maybe a bike rack (but to get the best from it you would need to keep it sun wise, though it would charge anyway, just less).

Get one with a diode in it so that you dont actually loose charge when it gets darker (cheap ones dont always have them), even those will ony give out a couple of amps tops on a good day.

I was in a RV place yesterday and he was having fitted 4 of the above to enable him to run his fridge and TV and the like. May not be a green PC, but at that cost your well on the way to a Honda generator and those i1's/i2's are super quiet.

I have a tiny Honda Ex550 (old stuff now), but it's not much bigger than a shoe box and I use that every couple of days for a few hours to keep us topped up.

It runs forever on a ltr of 2 stroke and is so quite you forget about it!!
The 13W Solar briefcase's are back on offer at Maplins again for £49.99, I know quite a few motorhomers who used these and they performed quite well and fold down very neatly. They are ideal for just keeping keeping the leisure batteries topped up.

If however you are using TV's and have the fridge on full power etc .. you will need something a bit bigger as Jerry described.
Many thanks for the replies.
I hadn't thought about having a separate generator but I suspect that may not be the right option for us. (With kids, my daughter's wheelchair and occasionally dogs to lug stuff around for, space is at a premium.)
You've pretty well confirmed what I suspected - that a roof-mounted panel is the best solution. I assume they can be fitted so that any wiring takes into account the raising of the roof. (Thanks for the hint about looking for one with a diode. I didn't know about such things.)

VW California Club
