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Sometimes the coloured ones are an option sometimes not. VW seem to change their minds as the wind changes. UK spec T6 Beaches have never had the front opening window but I have seen at least one with that feature. My comments are more about recent new vans though. These random changes could be due to supply issues.
Re your van, have you owned it from new? If not, has it had a replacement canvas at some time? The only thing that I can add is that we did own a 2015 SE and that had three windows and grey canvas.
Thanks for your reply and extra info. So both you and WelshGas had a 2015 T5 with grey, 3-windowed canvas. That helps. Perhaps VW changed the number of windows somewhere between 2010/2011 and 2015. Mine is made in 2010, MY 2011. I will try and find some more examples and see if I can come to some sort of timeline. Good point about my van perhaps having a replaced canvas. That's certainly possible. I just don't know. Bought it last week from the second owner. It was originally a Belgian vehicle. Who knows, the first/original owner might be on these forums. Have seen quite a few Belgian people here so far ;-).