Specialist Technician - South Yorkshire



VIP Member
T5 SE 174
I've had my 2006 T5 California for 4 years (and a T4 before that) and there are now a few "niggly" jobs I'd like to sort for the new "season".

They include sorting out the release catch for the table in the door (it sticks and I have tried some of the fixes posted on here), plus the waste water level indicator always shows there is something in it, even when its empty.

I am looking for a specialist technician in the Sheffield/South Yorkshire area rather than having to use the main dealer.

There was a guy who used to work for Deepcar, but he's no longer around - does anyone have any suggestions??

Can't help with the search for a specialist technician.

The waste water gauge always show as being not empty. Not a fault as such, just how they work !!!
Thanks for the response the waste water tank - being a Land Rover owner as well, I ought to expect "histrionic" quirks :thumb .

VW California Club
