Swapping a 1974 bay for an Ocean


Well I’m in the same situation. I ve just bought the Calli and the bay is going up for sale. I ve had the Bay 4 years and been all over in it, including two trips round Western Europe without any issues. The calli will get me from A to B quicker and in more comfort.

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Bay gone, off to her motherland. Buyer is from Rheinland. The wonders of eBay.

Can’t wait for our first camping trip to Bridport next week. :upsidedown
So filled up with fuel and water today, ready for first camping trip.

As we pulled out of the fuel station DPF Light came on. Now I know I've only been doing mainly short trips whilst I deal with some long put off chores (fencing etc).

The van has only done 400 miles this does seem a little extreme :headbang

VW California Club
