Glenn Blundell
I have recently posted some threads regarding issues I am having with the pop top roof on our 6.1 Ocean.
I said I would update once the dealership had the van back to investigate.I went to great lengths with photos and full description of the problems via email to the dealer, prior to me bringing the van in. When I turned up this Tuesday, the guy on the desk had no record of my notes, just a job sheet with warranty on it.
I then had to explain everything again about how the canvas sags when it's up for a day or two. How the roof now closes unevenly and how it closed once last month out of line and put a crease in the side of the roof, as it was totally off line.
The dealer has just phoned me to tell me that VW said the sagging in the canvas is perfectly normal and with regards to the roof closing unevenly, they have a tolerance of up to 180mms before they will do anything and mine is only out 130mms. I really have never heard such crap before.
I said what about the damaged roof?
They said they have sent a report to VW and are awaiting instructions.
I obviously told him how fed up I am with this and so disappointed with my whole experience ever since I have had the van. Assuming they repair or replace the roof, how do I ensure this won't happen in the future, if they can't be arsed to address the real issue. They tell me the hydraulics have no leaks and are fine but I really don't believe this.
On another note, they have just replaced the cable's in the front doors for a second time. I had them done this winter after a recall but apparently they didn't solve the original problem and I should have been notified about the mark II replacement version. Didn't get notified about this either, which could have caused me a problem this winter, if I used the van in cold conditions.
Has anyone experience of this or could offer some advice?
The van is with them now while I wait to see want they plan to do with the roof.
I have recently posted some threads regarding issues I am having with the pop top roof on our 6.1 Ocean.
I said I would update once the dealership had the van back to investigate.I went to great lengths with photos and full description of the problems via email to the dealer, prior to me bringing the van in. When I turned up this Tuesday, the guy on the desk had no record of my notes, just a job sheet with warranty on it.
I then had to explain everything again about how the canvas sags when it's up for a day or two. How the roof now closes unevenly and how it closed once last month out of line and put a crease in the side of the roof, as it was totally off line.
The dealer has just phoned me to tell me that VW said the sagging in the canvas is perfectly normal and with regards to the roof closing unevenly, they have a tolerance of up to 180mms before they will do anything and mine is only out 130mms. I really have never heard such crap before.
I said what about the damaged roof?
They said they have sent a report to VW and are awaiting instructions.
I obviously told him how fed up I am with this and so disappointed with my whole experience ever since I have had the van. Assuming they repair or replace the roof, how do I ensure this won't happen in the future, if they can't be arsed to address the real issue. They tell me the hydraulics have no leaks and are fine but I really don't believe this.
On another note, they have just replaced the cable's in the front doors for a second time. I had them done this winter after a recall but apparently they didn't solve the original problem and I should have been notified about the mark II replacement version. Didn't get notified about this either, which could have caused me a problem this winter, if I used the van in cold conditions.
Has anyone experience of this or could offer some advice?
The van is with them now while I wait to see want they plan to do with the roof.
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