T6 rusted broken fridge screw fix + part number



Lifetime VIP Member
T6 Ocean 204
As many may know the part number for the fridge strut is 7E7067382 which you can get from the VW California Club shop.

However, it will not come with the screws/bolts/nuts, which are typically the cause of the fault i.e. they get rusty from the fridge moisture and consequently break. The part number for this is lesser known, it is 7H7098385C. This includes the bits for the end of the fridge strut that attaches to the cupboard as well the bits that attach to the fridge lid. Bought from oemvwshop.com for €27.50.

Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 10.29.00.png

In my case it was the screw that attached the strut to the lid that failed first, and it would be very tricky to get the broken tip of the screw out:

Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 10.26.39.png

But the other bits all looked like they were on their way out too:

Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 10.28.15.png

I was flummoxed for a while on how to get the old part off because it is circular, you can't get any purchase on it with your hands, pliers or adjustable spanner. I had to go to the shop to get "Water Pump Pliers":

Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 10.33.00.png

Remember to take photos of order of bolts, nuts etc. before you take it apart so you can put the new ones on exactly the same.

There is a small gap between the border of the fridge tub and the top edge of the worktop cabinet it sits in. Temporarily fill this will kitchen towel or something, and take the screws of the lid off very carefully. I was worried I was going to irretrievably lose all the tiny washers and screws down that gap!

VW California Club
