Hallo everybody.
after looking carefully on many internal pods shown in this site , I'd like to try to make one which fits my needs. ( i.e. very minimal, just for morning coffee )
I'planning to make just a short extension ( approx 20/30 cm wide ;50 long// same as table ) to install a small sink and burner . This short plate should end with same rail used for the original table. so it could be fitted between side wall and table.
I found in a post the PN for the plastic hooks but not the rail.
Could be someone so kind to suggest where I can find an alu profile like this one ?
Thanks a lot for support

after looking carefully on many internal pods shown in this site , I'd like to try to make one which fits my needs. ( i.e. very minimal, just for morning coffee )
I'planning to make just a short extension ( approx 20/30 cm wide ;50 long// same as table ) to install a small sink and burner . This short plate should end with same rail used for the original table. so it could be fitted between side wall and table.
I found in a post the PN for the plastic hooks but not the rail.
Could be someone so kind to suggest where I can find an alu profile like this one ?
Thanks a lot for support