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The coffee thread

Aeropress & La Pavoni ;)
Aeropress yes!! Watch out though when the rubber plunger gets a bit old, can get messy. Does anyone know if one can buy a new rubber bit?

I hadn't realised that there was any question about the superiority of the SE!! :)
You mean this part? 3.5 dollars at aeropress.
I'm still waiting for my Oomph 2.0 which has been delayed... and delayed...and delayed.
Aeropress yes!! Watch out though when the rubber plunger gets a bit old, can get messy. Does anyone know if one can buy a new rubber bit?

I hadn't realised that there was any question about the superiority of the SE!! :)
Yes you can replace the rubber seal. You can buy on Amazon.
Thanks All. Almost quicker than Googling. Anything to cut Google out of the equation, and Amazon for that matter. I'll go to Aeropress.
Aeropress yes!! Watch out though when the rubber plunger gets a bit old, can get messy. Does anyone know if one can buy a new rubber bit?

I hadn't realised that there was any question about the superiority of the SE!! :)
Already replaced the rubber bit!
From experience it’s worth taking the plunger apart occasionally and cleaning ...... I hadn’t and the crud that was under the rubber/silicone bit was not nice!
Aeropress yes!! Watch out though when the rubber plunger gets a bit old, can get messy. Does anyone know if one can buy a new rubber bit?
Presumably you already regularly restore the flared shape? Stand the plunger in boiling water for a minute, then press it down on a hard surface, rocking it in a circular motion. Needs a fair bit of pressure so would not recommend on the glass worktops. Repeat 1-2 times and it should make a good seal again! Storing it in its outer tube is neat but does compress the seal. Vids on YouTube.
Some go further with a mineral oil reconditioning but haven't bothered with that, wouldn't want to risk it leaching out again
Presumably you already regularly restore the flared shape? Stand the plunger in boiling water for a minute, then press it down on a hard surface, rocking it in a circular motion. Needs a fair bit of pressure so would not recommend on the glass worktops. Repeat 1-2 times and it should make a good seal again! Storing it in its outer tube is neat but does compress the seal. Vids on YouTube.
Some go further with a mineral oil reconditioning but haven't bothered with that, wouldn't want to risk it leaching out again
Never knew you could do this!
must give it a go.
Thanks for the tip.

Presumably you already regularly restore the flared shape? Stand the plunger in boiling water for a minute, then press it down on a hard surface, rocking it in a circular motion. Needs a fair bit of pressure so would not recommend on the glass worktops. Repeat 1-2 times and it should make a good seal again! Storing it in its outer tube is neat but does compress the seal. Vids on YouTube.
Some go further with a mineral oil reconditioning but haven't bothered with that, wouldn't want to risk it leaching out again
Just carried out the procedure and it works a treat. Thanks again! Another confirmation of the tremendous value of the California community.
I have the 6 cup version of this and it is brilliant, can also use it in an induction hob. It’s not cheap but it looks great is really well made and I bet it will last forever and seals etc are available when needed And it’s so easy to use. The 6 cup version delivers 2 full cups of black coffee.
Looks a little bit of a aeropress rehash.
Yep, appears to be basically an Aeropress with a twist mechanism instead of a push-down plunger. (Personally I'm sticking with the Aeropress, it's simple and we've made many thousands of cups with it, with no problems. We keep one in the kitchen and another in the van.)
Yep, appears to be basically an Aeropress with a twist mechanism instead of a push-down plunger. (Personally I'm sticking with the Aeropress, it's simple and we've made many thousands of cups with it, with no problems. We keep one in the kitchen and another in the van.)
I would be interested to compare. The lever action might be easier for older less strong hands! Also interesting to find out if the filters are the same size.
Ahhh camper van coffee. My favourite topic this year! I wrote an article for Advanture Magazine this year looking at a few options on the market. I bet none of you have seen one of these before: the 9Barista.


Ahhh camper van coffee. My favourite topic this year! I wrote an article for Advanture Magazine this year looking at a few options on the market. I bet none of you have seen one of these before: the 9Barista.

View attachment 82619

View attachment 82620
Nice rig! As a coffee lover, I'd be interested in marks out of 10 for this v the aero press. And your highest score camper coffee solution...
Ahhh camper van coffee. My favourite topic this year! I wrote an article for Advanture Magazine this year looking at a few options on the market. I bet none of you have seen one of these before: the 9Barista.

View attachment 82619

View attachment 82620
Looks great I’m interested in your marks out of 10 too - we use a Nespresso Mini Essenza when we have a hook up and Wacaco minipresso when we don’t
Nice rig! As a coffee lover, I'd be interested in marks out of 10 for this v the aero press. And your highest score camper coffee solution...
Full article here:

The 9Barista is fun, tasty, quirky and outright cool. But it has a bit of a learning curve to get real results. It would be unfair to rate it directly in comparison to the AeroPress, because the 9B is real espresso made under pressure, and the AeroPress is more of a filter brewing method (you can use espresso ground coffee, but it is not producing 9 bars of pressure that true espresso is made under).

AeroPress makes really great tasting coffee, but not espresso. I give the Aeropress a solid 10/10 for camper van coffee. Positives for me are speed, cleanliness, portability, price.

Sitting down to make a shot with the 9Barista is way more fun, but takes time. I sit there in my van with a great view, grind my beans, prepare my unit, froth some milk, watch the coffee extract our the top. It's more of an activity. The espresso produced is strong, like really strong. Its 10/10 for all those reasons.
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