Time to say goodbye



Chelmsford Essex
T6 Cali On Order
Very sad to see our van go today, enjoyed the meets at Bridport and Mansfield but hubby not been well over winter and have decided to go back to a bigger motorhome where he can sleep without having to climb up the top, we are not so agile these days. Really enjoyed brid port and Mansfield meeting everyone but will look out for you on our travels in a Bailley Alliance which comes in May. So lookout for the mad couple hope to say hi. Selling a few bits on accessories roof topper motordome awning and moonrock 3 rail carpet mat. Best wishes Jane and Derek
Very sad to see our van go today, enjoyed the meets at Bridport and Mansfield but hubby not been well over winter and have decided to go back to a bigger motorhome where he can sleep without having to climb up the top, we are not so agile these days. Really enjoyed brid port and Mansfield meeting everyone but will look out for you on our travels in a Bailley Alliance which comes in May. So lookout for the mad couple hope to say hi. Selling a few bits on accessories roof topper motordome awning and moonrock 3 rail carpet mat. Best wishes Jane and Derek

Wish you all the best for your future and „get we well soon“ to your husband. Enjoy camping in whatevercar/motorhome you explore, travel and camp! I wave to every van, conversion and motorhome so feel free to wave back
Happy camping!
Very sad to see our van go today, enjoyed the meets at Bridport and Mansfield but hubby not been well over winter and have decided to go back to a bigger motorhome where he can sleep without having to climb up the top, we are not so agile these days. Really enjoyed brid port and Mansfield meeting everyone but will look out for you on our travels in a Bailley Alliance which comes in May. So lookout for the mad couple hope to say hi. Selling a few bits on accessories roof topper motordome awning and moonrock 3 rail carpet mat. Best wishes Jane and Derek

Sorry to hear this Jane and Derek, but best wishes with what comes next for you both x
When one door closes, another opens. Hope you have many new and wonderful adventures in your new motorhome!!!!
Best wishes, happy camping. :thumb
Best wishes Jane and I wish Derek more happier nights sleeping downstairs xx

Happy travels
You'l have as much fun in your big white as in a Cali i'm sure....
It does happens frequent that some sell up in the first year , don't know how long you had the Cali (since you been member here only since sept '18 ) ?
Hi Jane sorry to hear that you let Nellie go after such a short time but hope things are better for Derek in your new motorhome. It was lovely meeting you in Bridport and Mansfield, and comparing notes on our identical new Ocean Editions and it’s thanks to you that we discovered that the VW stealer had swapped the bed mattress for the thin one. Stay healthy and happy and we hope to bump into you in your travels in Nellie 2.
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just found message, we will miss getting to know everyone but hope that the Bailey owners club is as friendly, am so dissappointed really, but most important that we can go in something, will look out for you as won't forget your number plate!! We will be in alliance 66-2 with black cab. Jane and Derek x
You'l have as much fun in your big white as in a Cali i'm sure....
It does happens frequent that some sell up in the first year , don't know how long you had the Cali (since you been member here only since sept '18 ) ?
Thanks for message we only had it since sept 27 2018 Just cant have everything sometimes, health is most important thing, so everyone get out there and make the most of it . best wishes Jane
Wish you all the best for your future and „get we well soon“ to your husband. Enjoy camping in whatevercar/motorhome you explore, travel and camp! I wave to every van, conversion and motorhome so feel free to wave back
Happy camping!
Thankyou I'll be waving from the big black cab
Wishing you both lots of happy times in your new Bailey. Well done for realising the need for change and for making the right decision for your future travels and more comfort for Derek. All the best, John and Karen.

VW California Club
