
Our 335 lives in the space under the sink and is there just for emergency use in the night.

It does take up valuable storage space, but at least it is quick to access in the night and doesn't move around when the Cali is on the road. There is enough room at the side of it to
squeeze in a loo roll and a few other bits and pieces.

We haven't had cause to use it yet as the sites we have stayed at so far have all had toilet blocks close to our pitch and the weather has been kind.
Are we the only ones who keep it in the cupboard below the sink, when not in use, to be brought out at bed-time when "downstairs" becomes the bathroom? That's why we bought this model (thanks to this forum); it fits perfectly. The seals are still really good after more than 10 years - hygienic, no smells and no likely possibility of leakage. Rarely used for more than peeing and never allowed to become over-full, but we wouldn't wish to be without it!
Totally agree. Wouldn’t be without ours. In exactly the same place as yours. No hassle.
When you store it in the cupboard under the sink, can you get it out when the downstairs bed is made up, or do you have to take it out of the cupboard first?
Are we the only ones who keep it in the cupboard below the sink, when not in use, to be brought out at bed-time when "downstairs" becomes the bathroom? That's why we bought this model (thanks to this forum); it fits perfectly. The seals are still really good after more than 10 years - hygienic, no smells and no likely possibility of leakage. Rarely used for more than peeing and never allowed to become over-full, but we wouldn't wish to be without it!
same for us
Are we the only ones who keep it in the cupboard below the sink, when not in use, to be brought out at bed-time when "downstairs" becomes the bathroom? That's why we bought this model (thanks to this forum); it fits perfectly. The seals are still really good after more than 10 years - hygienic, no smells and no likely possibility of leakage. Rarely used for more than peeing and never allowed to become over-full, but we wouldn't wish to be without it!

Ours also lives in the cupboard under the sink.
10 years ago the Kids were adamant that they weren't going to use it.

1st night parked up on a French Motorway they decided it was better than the footprint either side of a hole type toilet.
2nd day what looked like a mile long queue at the toilets it suddenly became the preferred option.
2nd night, on a French campsite toilet was decamped to the drive away awning & was far more popular than the walk across the site.

On the way home, 6 hours stationary due to an accident it was used.

During Covid I used it all the time was regularly working from the van in central London where nothing was open.

So ours has certainly paid for itself & I wouldn't be without it.

The seals are good so never had a problem with smells, I use laundry pods as the additive as I hate the smell of the blue or green toilet chemicals.
I honestly wouldn’t bother with a PortaPotti any more. Check out the Trobolo Wandago. It fits in the cupboard if you have an Ocean and under the multiflex in both Beach models. I’m very happy with my throne :)
WandaGo? or WandaGo Lite?
WandaGo? or WandaGo Lite?
Definitely the WandaGo. You get the extra height adjustment and a container that clips to the inside of the lid to hold loo paper and bags.
Personal preference, but more comfortable than the 335, plus a lot less bother to empty and clean.
Definitely the WandaGo. You get the extra height adjustment and a container that clips to the inside of the lid to hold loo paper and bags.
Personal preference, but more comfortable than the 335, plus a lot less bother to empty and clean.
This has piqued my interest... The rest of my family has developed an aversion to public toilets, so the 4 of us use our 365 in a toilet tent for everything.

At the risk of asking for TMI, I have a few questions if I may!
  1. If traveling, is it ok to use in the van, and then carry on driving without emptying? Does it smell if you do this?
  2. Do you get a full view of the previous user's evacuation when opening the lid to use the toilet, or is it a similar restricted "view" to the portapotti?
  3. My family prefer using the portapotti to a public toilet - they don't feel it is a compromise. Do you feel the same about the WandaGo?
Unless you plan to use the thing while the van is hurtling around twisty B-roads I'm not really sure whey you'd need to secure the Thetford to the floor. We've had one for years and while it usually lives under the rear shelf, we've often had it in the main body of the van while on the move and it hasn't been prone to sliding about. If it did, I guess I'd be inclined just to glue a couple of foam rubber strips to the underside, rather than spending a lot of money on Teutonic hardware.

Each to their own, of course.
I wouldn't want to carry any unsecured heavy object, especially one filled with infections liquids, in the rear area of the camper without a crash tested fastening method.

My emergency separation toilet solution (used only rarely) is a roll of toilet bags that fits inside a plastic foldable frame together with a Travel John urinal bag. The Thetford that I thought I needed now sits in my basement.
I wouldn't want to carry any unsecured heavy object, especially one filled with infections liquids, in the rear area of the camper without a crash tested fastening method.

My emergency separation toilet solution (used only rarely) is a roll of toilet bags that fits inside a plastic foldable frame together with a Travel John urinal bag. The Thetford that I thought I needed now sits in my basement.
Would definitely advise securing a toilet if not under the multiflex.
With the Trobolo, the urine tank will hardly leak even if turned upside down, which is good if it does fall over. It has a great seal design.
This has piqued my interest... The rest of my family has developed an aversion to public toilets, so the 4 of us use our 365 in a toilet tent for everything.

At the risk of asking for TMI, I have a few questions if I may!
  1. If traveling, is it ok to use in the van, and then carry on driving without emptying? Does it smell if you do this?
  2. Do you get a full view of the previous user's evacuation when opening the lid to use the toilet, or is it a similar restricted "view" to the portapotti?
  3. My family prefer using the portapotti to a public toilet - they don't feel it is a compromise. Do you feel the same about the WandaGo?
1. No.1s, yes. No.2s, I would probably tie the bag up to be honest, but there is a separate lid you can put on the rear bucket as well. You have to put sawdust down before and after, and this does a good job at absorbing smells though.
2. Yes it’s covered by sawdust, but yes it’s not sealed in a separate chamber and is kind of visible. I have left for several days but that’s just one person! It comes down to how you feel about it.
3. Yes I would rather use it over a public toilet, whereas with the PortaPotti I hated emptying it and always used other toilets when I could.
If considering one l would order from Amazon, take a look at it and the decide. You can always return it if unused :)

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