Algor, cannot disagree with you with regards to risk management, it has been the argument througout the pandemic, am not sure it’s about deaths it’s more about those that don’t succumb to it and take up beds in hospitals recovering Though.
The acceptable level of deaths per year from any disease becomes a political decision eg current deaths from seasonal flu that is true, its a while away though.
Problem with c19 is it is way off being done yet, vaccine or not.
Bringing it back to the thread, travel to the EU next year without covid would in reality be no more difficult for the tourist than any other year.
As for self evident to any reasonably intelligent person! Obviously not to the folk who instantly jumped on easy jet paddy air, p&o dfds in the summer expecting everything to be back to normal, then complaining when they suddenly had to quarantine for 14 days coz things changed, just like they were warned. Also until this thing properly settles down then maybe leisure trips to Europe should be restricted in or out of the EU. Maybe the U.K. as an island should start looking at other island states that have controlled the numbers as a lesson of what could have been done.
For Cali owners wanting to tour Europe, stick by it, currently it’s not a sensible idea In my view.