VW e-Transporter & e-California

For a sedan 20kw per 100km. ~5 eur here if charging at home. No idea how much kw cost on charging stations but I bet way more due to high amps for fast charge.
A minibus will easily eat 30-40kw
~10 euro per 100 km for Diesel 150kw
Almost same, so not impressed. Thank you. :D
Plus diesel is artificially high due to tax, but it’s absolutely no friend of the environment but neither are in reality unless the electric is truly from renewables
Plus diesel is artificially high due to tax, but it’s absolutely no friend of the environment but neither are in reality unless the electric is truly from renewables
Pretty strange term renewables. Oil is renewable as well. A question of the rates.
To produce all electricity with solar we will have an insane impact destroying unimaginable amounts of territories.
Any methods will impact ecology when growing exponentially with us,
it is just wind, water and solar are such a minuscule part right now that we are too romantic about it.
Just had a bit of Googling on how long it would take to fully recharge an electric car on a 10A or 16A supply. (that you would typically find on a campsite). Obviously its going to depend on the battery capacity but the best I could find was on a Tesla forum where there were times of 35hours being quoted.
They (on the Tesla forum) seem to be talking in mph = miles per hour of charging and getting between 2 to 6 miles (range) per hour on domestic 10A sockets.
I follow a few EV channels and they are saying super chargers that can charge at 1000 miles per hour are coming
Tesla has max 75kw battery.
10Amps is 2,4kwh, so right over 30 hours. Around 10% is also lost.
But. You need to understand Lion chemistry. It is a good practice to never fully discharge.
Lion has pretty low charge cycles life, below 1k.
So fully discharging, or even worse fast charging is killing it way faster.
Roughly saying. Always charging at 20amps max and discharging to 40% min, can give you like twice more FULL cycles life.
Lifepo4 however can live 2-4k cycles and is safest lithium as of today. Though it is heavier and bigger.
Pretty strange term renewables. Oil is renewable as well. A question of the rates.
To produce all electricity with solar we will have an insane impact destroying unimaginable amounts of territories.
Any methods will impact ecology when growing exponentially with us,
it is just wind, water and solar are such a minuscule part right now that we are too romantic about it.
Norway produces 99% of its electricity from hydro, sounds pretty renewable to me trapping rainwater
We should be investing in tidal rather than wind. Our energy use can never be just renewable unless we restrict allowances. With a population well over 65 million as compared to Norways 5.4 million, we don't have the capacity.
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Norway produces 99% of its electricity from hydro, sounds pretty renewable to me trapping rainwater
Don't forget the environmental cost of the Dams, turbines and transmission systems. ALL forms of energy have these additional environmental costs, some more than others. There are lots of rare metals etc: used in some of the " renewable " technology that can have a significant environmental impact during the refining and utilisation stage.
You don't get something for nothing, there is always a cost. It might be smaller but it is still there.
Agreed and as others have said the scale for countries such as Norway make it much more viable.

I think in general the UK needs to invest and push greener tech when it comes to energy production, the current mix is way behind and with Conservative rule it’s only going to get worse with reliance on coal and Nuclear.

I’m impressed with my folks solar set up, they sell most of their electricity back and are looking at batteries next so they can stop using other tariffs when they need it at peak times.
Its ok, we'll come with fancy energy ideas when over 10 billions, or maybe when 15. The more people the more bright minds. :D Can start eating each other as a solution after all.
I think in general the UK needs to invest and push greener tech when it comes to energy production, the current mix is way behind and with Conservative rule it’s only going to get worse with reliance on coal and Nuclear.
Nuclear is the greenest so far.
The Irony is that life has never expanded so freely in the Chernobyl zone as after the meltdown. As soon as we "plague" left due to radiation the rest is a tolerable blessing.
Agreed and as others have said the scale for countries such as Norway make it much more viable.

I think in general the UK needs to invest and push greener tech when it comes to energy production, the current mix is way behind and with Conservative rule it’s only going to get worse with reliance on coal and Nuclear.

I’m impressed with my folks solar set up, they sell most of their electricity back and are looking at batteries next so they can stop using other tariffs when they need it at peak times.

I’ve looked into Solar to heat up a hot water tank.
The cost doesn’t justify the expense.
It would take almost 20-25 years before I broke even...
Fuel cell the way to go forwards, mind you the new
Bosch diesel system is cleaner than LPG.
Lithium as used in electric vehicles is finite and appallingly produced by child labour.
my solar PV panels have paid back in seven years, and now I have a powerwall too which will pay back in ten years
Paid back with the contribution from my taxes perhaps? Up here insufficient sunlight to justify and useless during winter months. Would definately support wave and tidal investment though.
Paid back with the contribution from my taxes perhaps? Up here insufficient sunlight to justify and useless during winter months. Would definately support wave and tidal investment though.

That’s true.
Since the end of government aid into the purchase of wind/solar the costs are to high.
I’ve done some rough sums etc.
It would take around 20 years to pay back the initial costs
Yes and anyone who is on a Green tariff is benefiting from my exports, which are reducing the carbon impact of the UK Grid.. YW
Plus diesel is artificially high due to tax, but it’s absolutely no friend of the environment but neither are in reality unless the electric is truly from renewables
And, just a thought, where do the batteries chemicals come from and are they recycling those too. Do you own the batteries or does the vehicle manufacturer?
On most days when we drive west over the Yorkshire Wolds we can see 4 power stations and often when the sun is out and the air is still, the Vale of York has a brown smog of trapped polluted air.
The electric "E" vehicle is plugged into a supply which comes from power stations! So until we have zero emission generation all the electric car is doing is transferring pollution from one place to another. The renewable industry is getting going and the large wind farms off the east coast (Hornsea)help but using coal/ wood chip/ biomass fuel is still a sizeable part of electric generation.
On most days when we drive west over the Yorkshire Wolds we can see 4 power stations and often when the sun is out and the air is still, the Vale of York has a brown smog of trapped polluted air.
The electric "E" vehicle is plugged into a supply which comes from power stations! So until we have zero emission generation all the electric car is doing is transferring pollution from one place to another. The renewable industry is getting going and the large wind farms off the east coast (Hornsea)help but using coal/ wood chip/ biomass fuel is still a sizeable part of electric generation.
Biomass seems perfect for recycling CO2 but does it not put other pollutants into the air? Smoke etc!
That’s true.
Since the end of government aid into the purchase of wind/solar the costs are to high.
I’ve done some rough sums etc.
It would take around 20 years to pay back the initial costs
I see that Sweden is dismantling an off shore wind farm because the maintenance costs are just too high. Both the windmills themselves and also the cabling apparently
Biomass seems perfect for recycling CO2 but does it not put other pollutants into the air? Smoke etc!
Biomass is already used in conjunction wirh coal. Its blown into the boilers along with coal dust in some power stations.The problem is that the calorific value is a lot lower so vast quantities are required which just aren't currently available.
Biomass is already used in conjunction wirh coal. Its blown into the boilers along with coal dust in some power stations.The problem is that the calorific value is a lot lower so vast quantities are required which just aren't currently available.
I recall plans to build a power station with enough space around it to provide a 10 year timber supply. At the end of the 10 year cycle the timber first cut will have grown and be ready for use again. From what you say maybe it was too hopeful a design?

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