Hi Everyone, I'm a complete novice to this camper van world and would appreciate any help, advice or experiences anyone out there has.
I've been looking for a while now for a camper van and have come across a company in Brighton called VWcampersales, they have a number of vehicles for sale and seem to be quite experienced in importing t4 westfalia's. I am seriously thinking of sourcing a vehicle from them and would value anyone's advice personal experience of this company or indeed if you know anyone who has had experience of VWcampersales.
I am thinking of investing a large sum of money which I won't ever have again and although I know there is nothing certain feedback would be welcome. Thank You
I've been looking for a while now for a camper van and have come across a company in Brighton called VWcampersales, they have a number of vehicles for sale and seem to be quite experienced in importing t4 westfalia's. I am seriously thinking of sourcing a vehicle from them and would value anyone's advice personal experience of this company or indeed if you know anyone who has had experience of VWcampersales.
I am thinking of investing a large sum of money which I won't ever have again and although I know there is nothing certain feedback would be welcome. Thank You