Water tank capacity



VIP Member
T5 SE 180
Can anyone tell me how much the water tank holds?
Part filled mine recently (with a hosepipe!!). Seemed to go on forever. Guage only showed approximately quarter full!
Gauge for the fresh as the waste watertank does not always is that accurate .
Did you close the drain- tap:D
Thought I did! When I drained the tank very little came out and we had only used a kettle full. Will have to find a more accurate way to fill the tank.
I just bought a 20 litre shower bag,....
But will be handy to fill the water tank , if eaisy tap not available
And packs down to nothing, weighs nothing
I got 50 litres in mine once....

Took ages to drain and dry the fuel tank :(
Why fill it? Put in what you need for a trip. Why carry around excess weight?
Why fill it? Put in what you need for a trip. Why carry around excess weight?
Last thing I want to be doing when I get to site is faffing about filling the water tank. It only weighs 30kg when full which is nothing in a fully loaded 3 tonnes van

Sent from my Galaxy S6
I am with sidepod really. I try and fill to the amount I need.
1 line is plenty for a one nighter,
I am going to experiment with volumes now I am about to get my measuring filler.
As a cyclist obsessed by weight, I have learnt that it is surprising how a bit of weight here and a bit of weight there can add up
Why fill it? Put in what you need for a trip. Why carry around excess weight?

We had a discusion on here before on this , some do this but i find i a must leaving home with full freshwatertank .
The weight is nothing to worry about imo.
I would find a worry leaving off on a trip knowing i have to seach for clean water the first or second day on a trip .
Not me....
I too cannot be bothered. Full tank leaving home. When I stop then it's kettle on. No fussing looking for water.
It is surprising how many large Motorhomes seem to depend on external water carriers. When in London a large Motorhome arrived next door and the first thing he did was get out 2 large roller water barrels to fill up and 2 waste carriers, unless of course he wanted a shower.
GJ did you really do that?

Seriously? No.

However, for the future, do not put it past me.

I was the one that had my son driving to my home to get my spare keys to send to me stranded in West Wales after looking for two hours for keys which I deduced to be lost.

Just about the time he was in my home and finding my spare keys so I was in the drivers seat finding the lost keys safely in the ignition :shocked

VW California Club
