water tank locking cap



I have lost the locking cap on the water tank. Didn't lock it when I went down to get the van cleaned. Is it special size or will all petrol tank caps fit it? If not, any suggestions on where to get a replacement. VW will be expensive, as always.
Try here this is the only place I have seen them go to
Campervantastic look under California equipment at the bottom of the page they are £22.95
With 2 keys
Sorry the link does not work. Just google campervantastic
Thank you. Hopefully will be here before the holiday.
Important to get it replaced when possible, I think - I had a fuel station attendant trying to open mine when I pulled up for diesel, just in the few seconds while I was checking my pockets for my wallet!! And that despite me 'whitening' the tap symbol with tippex!

Diesel in the fresh water tank is not a good idea . . . .

Is there a special technique to make the cap lock properly, I can't seem to make mine lock - key turns etc but won't actually lock in place, you can just turn it and it pops off. My user manual is German and the pictures are not so good. Any help would be great...
a21daloa said:
Is there a special technique to make the cap lock properly, I can't seem to make mine lock - key turns etc but won't actually lock in place, you can just turn it and it pops off. My user manual is German and the pictures are not so good. Any help would be great...

I had the same.
This is because the rubber gasket gets more flatten with its' age. no way to buy the gasket alone, you have to buy the whole cap with keys, not expensive though, even the original one with VW.
Thanks for that, i will action accordingly...luckily in Norway we wont get too many folks trying to pee in the tank and the idea of someone serving you with Diesel seems like a Myth here in NO :D
This really frustrating, how does the cap engage in the inlet? I cannot get the cap to engage at all. Is the lock clockwise to lock and anti to unlock. I feel as though I am being beaten by something so simply :-((
This really frustrating, how does the cap engage in the inlet? I cannot get the cap to engage at all. Is the lock clockwise to lock and anti to unlock. I feel as though I am being beaten by something so simply :-((
Look on the innerside of the cap there is ( i believe ) a three point that must be in the exact position then the recieving end on the vehicle otherwise the cap is not good fitted and likely to fall out....
Think the key also must be in the "open" position to fit correct.
I always doublecheck afther closing mine and caught myself sevral times placing it faulty....indeed not a good invention!
As an Ex Cali owner I really miss not having a vehicle to go and look at then come back with "this is how you do it ......." :(
So it transpires I am not losing my marbles. The black barrel mechanism has come out with the cap! All that looks like was holding it is is a bit of silicon. Has anyone had to glue this back in? Or is it a visit to VW for a new barrel? They'll probably have to replace the whole facia along with the electric cover right?
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Or is it a visit to VW for a new barrel? They'll probably have to replace the whole facia along with the electric cover right?

Knowing Vw it will probably come with a new back wing, fresh water tank and wardrobe unit.

Only kidding:bananadance
Going to try glueing the locking ring back in place, nothing to lose by trying.
Looks like an initial success has been made by super gluing the locking ring back to the tank opening. Seriously though, what a flimsy design! Why not just make the whole section one piece of molded plastic? I am sure there was just the smallest squirt of silicon in there just to hold it in place!
Been away grandad duties no wifi or internet, you haven't really got rid of Albert????????


No but I am despairing of him ever coming back :(

He disappeared into the garage workshop on the 20th July and apart from a brief appearance has not been seen since then .... a permanent hostage to VW Technical people in Milton Keynes who appear to be using his body for automotive science.

VW California Club
