Webasto Airtop 2000 App



T5 Beach
Looking for peoples thoughts and experiences of the after market “Webasto Airtop 2000” operated via the webasto App. How does it work ? Does is work efficiently? Would you recommend?
Pros and cons.
I believe you have a simple on/off button inside the Cali as well.

Plus....,would you go for a fixed or removable tow bar?
Can't help with the app, though it would be good if you could wire it to the factory heater in the beach for better control.
Our beach came with a fixed towbar and it doesn't bother me. If I had tight parking problems a removable one would be better.
Plus....,would you go for a fixed or removable tow bar?
I got a removable one fitted from new and its never been
removed. I like it for the added protection.
Is there a difference in looks? I'm not sure, i've never
seen a fixed one on a Cali.
If you only plan to use the towbar occasionally, removing it helps you stop smashing your shins and looks better.
Fixed will stop people from parking to close, or they will only do it once.

Maybe check for any issues with rear parking sensors. (think most ok)
No problem with parking sensors.
Only done my shin once, learnt my lesson!
Thanks everyone for your replies, all advice noted.
still not sure about operating the heater mainly from the App so will do some more research.

VW California Club
