Westfalia security

Mark Lean

Mark Lean

Morayshire Scotland
T4 PopTop
Picking up my 2003 T4 Westfalia this weekend and am wondering about its security. Does it have an alarm/immobiliser as standard? And if not can anyone recommend an installer in the North of Scotland?
I believe the later models had an immobiliser fitted as stock. I think it's an interlock on the injection pump solenoid.
No alarm as standard on our 2001. We've a third party alarm which was fitted by the previous owner. Not sure of the details and I'm sure there are much better ones available today that will immobilise as well as motion sense.
It's obv personal opinion but I don't think alarms are worth the effort. It's you and you alone who will care if it goes off, so if you're out of ear shot then it's a waste of time.

I don't really care if stuff gets pinched, at worst an iPad. I do care if the van goes. That would upset me.

On a more +note, what's the van spec? 2003? It should be a peach.
+1 on the value of a 'shouty' alarm. All those hot hatches in the 90s gave them a reputation for being a bit unpredictable and over sensitive - been there, done that. As a result no one takes any notice of them anymore. We've one, it never gets activated.

Westy Freestyle has a nice spec as you'd expect for a runout model.
I use a ClutchClaw, locks around the pedals.
Hi all, I've seen some photos of Cali's for sale with what looks like a lock at the bottom of the gear lever. Might be worth checking them out. I suppose any kind of theft is sing, but you don't want the Cali to be taken for sure. No matter how careful you can be when choosing a parking place, there is still a chance of things going wrong.
Hi all, I've seen some photos of Cali's for sale with what looks like a lock at the bottom of the gear lever. Might be worth checking them out. I suppose any kind of theft is poo, but you don't want the Cali to be taken for sure. No matter how careful you can be when choosing a parking place, there is still a chance of things going wrong.
I've noticed those recently too.
Decided to use a disc lock when out and about and supplemented by a wheel clamp when parked at home. Hope this is enough to deter an opportunist.
They are 'Bear Locks'.
http://www.multicampers.nl/ are fitting Bearlock (in the Netherlands) - 460€ fitted. Takes about 2 hours, but they're about an hour from Amsterdam and they will offer you a replacement car if you want to take the chance to visit while the van's in the garage...
Fast, friendly service and specialists in VW Campers of all ages... :thumb
Discloks are one of the better solutions if you can find one to fit your wheel. Sadly they never did one big enough for my old T25.

I think on the alarm front its right that most will ignore it, if its at your house then it won;t hurt to have a shouty one. Other option is a GPS style tracker that can act as an immobiliser/alarm but can also text you if the doors open or the van moves. They are pretty cheap these days. Can be blocked but if you've disabled the van blocking the GPS/GSM won't help them anyway. :)
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We've been through this on the T5 side.

You can't beat a simple old school hidden switch that disables the starter circuit. Simple and effective.

The thief can clone your central locking signal to his hearts content. He can steal your keys but if the thing simply won't start then it's going to cause him time.
Thieves hate time and noise.

This won't of course defeat those that rock up with a flatbed.

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