Wet behind the ears



VIP Member
Hello everyone, myself Mark, lisa and the two little ones are joining in the great Calli adventure in a couple of weeks. We've plucked up the courage for our new life style and managed to get hold of a swanky new grey Berghaus, which we pick up from woodburn green, citygate VW. We are utterly overexcited and cant wait to grab the bull by the horns and begin the adventure.

On a less exciting note we've been looking at insurance and couldn't believe how expensive it was until we looked at comfort Ins, it seems too good to be true, anyone have any experience with them?

Regards Mark
Hi there and welcome
I use comfort but have not had to speak to them since I took it out. Good price though
£230. Underwritten by aviva so should be ok :thumb
Thanks for the advice Kev, will probably go for the comfort. Will check out your store for sure :thanks
There are a couple of threads in the Insurance sections about Comfort. Most folk who use them seem to recommend them.

:hello too. Luke
Thanks for the info Luke, will check out the threads.

Seems like you're a friendly bunch on this forum, looking forward to getting involved!! :grin:

I have just joined and was asking same questions on insurance. To sav you time, the main point with comfort was a clause about leaving the vehicle unattended if using away from the house. So if you were in France on a campsite and had to fly home for an emergency and left the vehicle behin fo 3 days then it becomes uninsured (unless you notify them and pay admin fee).

Initially it put me off as I thought if petty. But after getting quotes up to £1200 and most insurers refusing to cover for work usage, I changed my tune.

The only time I could see it a problem was bing unable to drive the car to an airport and wanting to park it a few days whist going away. I decided I wouldnt want to leave my Cali at an airport anyway. So with comfort blowing the others out of the water it was a no brainer.

And yes, what a friendly bunch. Made the same comment myself when I started posting! Gutted I couldnt make the recent meet to say hello to these helpful people.

Enjoy your purchase.
Cheers for the great advise, it certainly seems like a no brainer to me too, i suspect i shall go ahead with the comfort quote. Hope you're enjoying your calli and getting as much use out of it as you hoped you would.



VW California Club
