Am no expert but thought the DPF was introduced to handle the increase in particulate matter created by the EGR? Was under the impression that the EGR fed back in before the turbo?
Not doubting your knowledge but this is the first time I have heard this. trying to understand how the EGR manages to clog up if it is supplied with air from after the DPF?
@rich11235 you sent me off for more research and seems I am wrong and right. Interested to know your views on the van Engines, but I found this reference:
“At high engine rpm or load, the visible high pressure EGR valve slowly closes and the system switches to the low pressure EGR.
The high pressure EGR gasses are taken before the turbo. The low pressure EGR gasses are tapped after the DPF, through a filter, a cooler, and then recycled back into the intake path right before the turbo.”
Still doesn’t change the situation that short journeys are bad I guess!