I would like to see tailgating on the list. It would be my number one.
The times I tailgate, is when the one(s) in front of me are just driving too slow.
I can not force anyone to go faster, but they force me to drive slower? If the max speed is set at 70km/h I want to drive that speed (if possible), not 65 or slower.
And the funny thing that most of you think is bad driving:
Nudging 1m from cones into merging traffic that had already politely merged 200m back
In Belgium it is the law to drive to full length of the lane before merging to the free lane. Anyone merging too soon cause more traffic jam because no one will let you merge. If you merge at the cones, you just use the "zip" method: one from the left, one from the right.
I have a wonderful example of this method, if you want I can upload the whole dashcam footage.
I came up at a highway, when the (Belgium) right lane was free, and before I came up, the left lane was completely full. So in your opinion, I had to drive up the highway, drive in reverse, to merge at the back of the traffic?
Where should I merge? Here somewhere, or at the cones, over 500 meter further?
Indeed, as stated in the Belgian law: 500 meter further: