What is bad driving?

Which of these motoring habits irritate you the most? (Choose up to 3)

  • Permanent occupation of the outside lane on the motorway because the speedo says 70

  • Sitting in the outer lane of a dual cariageway at 60 because it's an A road

  • Slowing down to a crawl at roundabouts when nobody is coming

  • Slowing down to a crawl at a green light because it may change to red

  • Leaving a 100m gap in front in a queue of crawling traffic

  • Nudging 1m from cones into merging traffic that had already politely merged 200m back

  • Pulling out from a junction in front of traffic, when there is a large gap further back

  • Slowing down on a main road to wave someone out when there is nobody behind

  • Reducing speed to 5 MPH because the scene of the accident causing the jam is too interesting to miss

  • Stopping on the hard shoulder for a wee or to get a twix from the boot

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Lifetime VIP Member
East Sussex
T6 Cali On Order
I enjoyed putting a list together after the busiest week on the roads I have seen since Covid lockdown began. I thought it would be amusing to see responses and to hear all of the other downright wrong driving habits we can think of. Let it all out - you know you want to. Or... when my VW arrives, will I stop being a grumpy old man and just relax?
Sitting in the outside Lane, when the other 2/3(M25) other lanes are free + then getting annoyed when you are undertaken.
I couldn’t care less what anyone does as long as I don’t have to touch the brakes as a result.
I must say, you must be a very relaxed sort of guy.
Speeding is my biggest bugbear. Not individual speeding but the manner in which is has become endemic and the lack of enforcement over what is called minor infringements. Even cameras are set at 10% +2mph over the legal limit.
I would like to see tailgating on the list. It would be my number one.
The times I tailgate, is when the one(s) in front of me are just driving too slow.
I can not force anyone to go faster, but they force me to drive slower? If the max speed is set at 70km/h I want to drive that speed (if possible), not 65 or slower.

And the funny thing that most of you think is bad driving:

Nudging 1m from cones into merging traffic that had already politely merged 200m back​

In Belgium it is the law to drive to full length of the lane before merging to the free lane. Anyone merging too soon cause more traffic jam because no one will let you merge. If you merge at the cones, you just use the "zip" method: one from the left, one from the right.

I have a wonderful example of this method, if you want I can upload the whole dashcam footage.

I came up at a highway, when the (Belgium) right lane was free, and before I came up, the left lane was completely full. So in your opinion, I had to drive up the highway, drive in reverse, to merge at the back of the traffic?

Where should I merge? Here somewhere, or at the cones, over 500 meter further?

Indeed, as stated in the Belgian law: 500 meter further:

Also, as a driver, motorcyclist, cyclist and pedestrian, the behaviours I find most threatening are not on the list. Seems like the OP is actually more interested in irritating habits over dangerous ones
The fast undertake and cut-in/up does my head in.

Someone almost hit us (and a truck) trying and misjudging it 3 weeks ago on the M3
I’m still quite angry
Also, as a driver, motorcyclist, cyclist and pedestrian, the behaviours I find most threatening are not on the list. Seems like the OP is actually more interested in irritating habits over dangerous ones
It is true. Plenty of very dangerous behaviour I just can't be flippant about: drink driving, texting and driving and so on.
Here the full footage.
I drove up the highway, and saw everyone already merging to the left.
I continued the drive, and you see me hesitate. Then I see the sign that says: merging in 500 meters. I thought to myself: Woo Hoo it, I will see in 500 meters.

And this is what 2/3 of the voters think is bad driving?
Tell me what I had to do?

I follow a Youtuber Driving Instructor called Ashley Neal (son of former Liverpool player Phil Neal) and he advocates using both lanes and then merging in turn. Merging too early does not make the best use of available road space and causes more congestion further back in the traffic queue.
Chucking litter and fag ends out of the window is by far the worst type of driving ever
Cant see a problem in speeding if its 3am on an empty road.
I agree with triplebee and I too drive right up to the cones then merge
I follow a Youtuber Driving Instructor called Ashley Neal (son of former Liverpool player Phil Neal) and he advocates using both lanes and then merging in turn. Merging too early does not make the best use of available road space and causes more congestion further back in the traffic

This is logical but not super apparent and I think should be communicated better. It’s an old stereotype that the Brits love to queue and I think that’s true in this case - Don’t see the behaviour to the same extent here.

But what exasperates the matter is that those who merge “politely” then get cross at those who continue to the end of the filter lane - and try to prevent them merging, causing a wave of brake lights that slow the whole mess down even more.
Here the full footage.
I drove up the highway, and saw everyone already merging to the left.
I continued the drive, and you see me hesitate. Then I see the sign that says: merging in 500 meters. I thought to myself: Woo Hoo it, I will see in 500 meters.

And this is what 2/3 of the voters think is bad driving?
Tell me what I had to do?

That was how it should be done,
IMO, the worst driving habits are speeding, mobile phone use, drink driving, red light jumping and dangerous overtaking in the face of oncoming traffic.
Here the full footage.
I drove up the highway, and saw everyone already merging to the left.
I continued the drive, and you see me hesitate. Then I see the sign that says: merging in 500 meters. I thought to myself: Woo Hoo it, I will see in 500 meters.

And this is what 2/3 of the voters think is bad driving?
Tell me what I had to do?

Yeah but try that in the UK and you usually get the angry manbaby in a leased luxury sedan trying to close the gap on you.
Hogging the middle lane was missing from the list.
and on the subject of merging in, use both lanes and merge in turn at the end. IF THEY WANTED YOU TO GO SINGLE FILE 2 MILES BACK, THEY WOULD HAVE PUT THE F***ING CONES 2 MILES FURTHER BACK!
Wish they would do that on the Brynglas tunnels on the M4..
Yeah but try that in the UK and you usually get the angry manbaby in a leased luxury sedan trying to close the gap on you.
No problem. Keep gettin closer to that car, almost touching it, and let him go first. Just keep getting closer, and as soon as you reach the back of his car, merge in the space between his car and the next. The next car will politely let you merge. Been there done that.

This video clip is merging on the Périphérique of Paris. Slow the speed down to 0.25 (gear sign, speed: 0.25).
But traffic coming off the off ramp, onto the périphérique, have right of way, so they had to let me merge. But if they wouldn't let you, this is how you do it, just don't hesitate, or they kill you.
M4 Brynglas Tunnel approach.
Despite the inner lane being clearly marked 2 miles back for the A408 and change in white line markings, cars head down this lane then cross into the Middle M4 lane prior to the slip road.

M4 Brynglas Tunnel approach.
Despite the inner lane being clearly marked 2 miles back for the A408 and change in white line markings, cars head down this lane then cross into the Middle M4 lane prior to the slip road.
View attachment 80632

View attachment 80633

You might not like people doing that, but so long as the lane separator is broken not solid, it is allowed: unlike driving at 71mph on the motorway, which is not allowed but universally accepted.
I must say, you must be a very relaxed sort of guy.
Not really, I’ve just accepted that 99%of people when they set foot in a car become utter c***s.

VW California Club
