Where is Tailgate Actuator Fuse Location?



My Tailgate (tail gate) actuator (power door lock for rear lift up door) is not working. I had some major electrical challenges in my 10/2010 build, model year 2011, T5 4Motion DSG (face lift) that have now all been corrected...except for the Tailgate actuator. For the life of me I cannot locate a blown fuse, nor can I even locate a diagram of the fuse holders that describes where a "lock" "central lock" "remote" (search words used) fuse would be located.

Note that all other door lock actuators are currently working with use of the remote key and also the door lock switch. Any advice is kindly appreciated.

Cheers from Down Under
There are no fuse layout lists or diagrams issued by VW. In the UK even the dealers don't have them. The only way is to ask your dealer to log onto the VW website with the VIN number from your Cali and they will then be able to find out the fuse that may be at fault for you.

Resolution/Conclusion - Where is Tailgate Actuator Fuse Loca

Resolution / Conclusion on Tailgate Actuator not working

My regards for the length of time in writing feedback on this episode. I work remote stints and have just returned.

I took the T5 to a well qualified private VW workshop and the diagnoses was that the actuator was fried...kapoot...not working. They checked for faults in the ECM and there were no further faults to clear. It was simply that the actuator was fried.

This whole ordeal began when my leisure battery’s wiring was crossed to the chargin relay....negative connected to the positive, positive connected to the negative. My T5 has a charging isolation relay that also allows for voltage flow-through from the leisure battery to the starting battery (in that direction only) to assist with starting in the event the starting battery is flat. (leisure battery is AGM-Absorbed Glass Mat). When multiple attempts to start the van were attempted when the battery wires were crossed this shorted out and ruined the starting battery, along with blowing multiple major fuses in the engine compartment, and also creating faults in the ECM. (zero fuses blew in the common fuse compartments....the other major fuses blew before the reversed current could effect them...the large fuses did their job) After replacing the fuses, clearing all the faults on the ECM, and installing a new starting battery everything worked except for the Tailgate Door. The Tailgate door issue was not noticed until I had returned the lengthly drive from the VW workshop. I had to open the Tailgate door manually from the inside using the emergency method until it was fixed.

So....from what I can gather, the actuator is not fused, it is hard wired, and it burned up with the voltage problem that was created by the battery wires being crossed. The other power locks (door actuators) were fine and not effected...so I surmise they are on a different circuit than the Tailgate power door lock....I have no idea why.

The replacement actuator part was not that hard to replace. I did it myself. Had I known the actuator was so reasonably priced I would have bought one and tried that as a diagnoses before succumbing to taking the T5 back to the VW experts to diagnose.

Actuator Part number is: 3B5 827 061 C
Good to hear that you have resolved this.

I had to open the Tailgate door manually from the inside using the emergency method until it was fixed.

Can you please elaborate on this, what is the emergency method.

Cheers Andy
Yes, please elaborate. Our tailgate latch keeps 'hunting' when the door is open and I fear it's only a matter of time until something worse goes wrong with it.

If anyone knows how to get into this section maybe a squirt of WD40 may do the job. I live in hope.

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