Too many people with too much money and too much time - my 3 favourite sports, mountain-biking, snowboarding and sailing have also changed beyond recognition in the last 20 years.
The increasing numbers of e-bikes have led to what can only be described as enabling fat yobs to access areas they would previously never have been physically capable of getting to - the bikes weigh a ton and are piloted by riders with little experience so they are pi$$ing off all the hikers and more and more trails are being closed to mountain bikers - not to mention the animosity shown towards us by hikers etc.
I used to love snowboarding, but there has been huge investment in ski-resorts with lifts increasing massively in capacity and more and more people being able to afford it - unfortunately the slopes themselves have remained the same size. The result - endless queuing on the motorways to get to the resorts, at the overspill car-parks, at the ticket sales, at the lifts ... and finally on the slopes as thousands of people slide in unison back to the bottom, only to queue up to repeat the process. Gone are the days when the great slopes were a 45 minute drive away, little queuing, and you could have a good thrash around and be back home for afternoon tea. There are still a few where the more scary black runs are relatively clear, but waiting 45 mins for something to eat and all the queueing has killed it for me. Snowboard touring works, but you don't get much time on the board compared to the time spent climbing.
... and sailing ... god help you if your quiet little anchorage gets invaded by what can only be described as a travelling rave on water ...
Fully inclusive skippered sailing holidays in Croatia and Greece. Choose your party or adventure sail week route, decide the date and go.
.... when this lot turn up, its up-anchor, open the sea-cock to empty the holding tanks, and snake out through the swimmers, waving as you go.
Bah Humbug!! .... am I turning into a grumpy old man