Would you like to be featured in the 2013 Cali Brochure?



Bourton on the Water
T6 Ocean 150
I know this is a repeated topic but we have just had confirmation that VW Commercial Vehicles/Haymarket Network will be attending Wicksteed Park looking for couples and families to appear in the 2013 official VW California brochure.

So if you fancy having a small article and photo of yourself/family in next years brochure you will need to be at the Wicksteed Park meet this weekend !
now thats a good incentive to get folks along!!!! :grin:
we will be at the big Split Bus campover / AGM (cue Jethro Tull song) but hope to catch up with you guys at Stanford Hall and do some pics for a piece in the T4 and 5+ magazine about how the Darkside extends quietly ;)
Ps despite it being a Split Bus meet I already have loads of folks (and their wives!) wanting to check out our Cali :lol: and grandson is staying over in it with me..that'll be a good test!
David have fun and fingers crossed for some decent weather.

Might catch up with you at SH :thumb

PS You are crossing over to the light side. :eek: May the force be with you. :grin:

David Eccles said:
now thats a good incentive to get folks along!!!! :grin:
we will be at the big Split Bus campover / AGM (cue Jethro Tull song) but hope to catch up with you guys at Stanford Hall and do some pics for a piece in the T4 and 5+ magazine about how the Darkside extends quietly ;)
Ps despite it being a Split Bus meet I already have loads of folks (and their wives!) wanting to check out our Cali :lol: and grandson is staying over in it with me..that'll be a good test!
sorry i will be in the same place as dave in my blue cali with my mate in his silver cali ;)
Stanford hall on sunday too.

VW California Club
