Campervan Recipe Required



Bourton on the Water
T6 Ocean 150
Comfort Insurance are currently compiling a cook book that will be downloadable on our website and are looking for people to contribute.

They have have editors from VWt and Campervan magazine etc.. contributing a recipe along with the Barefoot Chef from Camper and Commercial and others including Elddis. They would really like to have a representative from the VW California Club featured and wondered if abyone might be interested in contributing.

All you need to do is post a recipe that you can cook in a campervan i.e. minimum number of pots and ingredients. Below is an example of one in the cookbook to give you an idea of what we have in mind.

Posted on behalf of Charlotte at Comfort Insurance

Example of layout of your recipe.

Not your average Jacket Potato

Here in the UK we aren’t always blessed with great weather which means a brisk morning walk

can sometimes leave you feeling cold and tired by lunchtime. Jacket potatoes are the perfect

remedy for these days and are much-loved among campers for their diversity and down-right


However, you don’t just have to stick to your traditional plain potato with salt, butter and

perhaps some cheese or beans. If you want something to truly warm you up and satisfy your

need for a hearty meal than we have the perfect recipe. Below is just one of our favourites, but

the truth is you can try nearly any flavour combination and get great results!

Warming Caramelised Vegetable Jacket Potato

Ingredients (serves 2) Time

• 2 large baking potatoes

• 1 large red or white onion

• 250g button mushrooms

• 3 tablespoons olive oil

• 50ml balsamic vinegar

• Pinch of salt

• Sugar to taste

Prep: 10 minutes

Cook: 1-1½ hours if baking potatoes in the

oven. If cooking using a microwave, 30




Oven Cook: Preheat oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6. Wash and dry your potatoes well, then prick

them several times all over with a fork. Coat both potatoes using 1tbsp of the olive oil then place

directly in the oven to bake for 1-1½ hours until crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. While

cooking start creating the filling.

Microwave: Wash and dry your potatoes well, then prick them several times all over with a fork.

Place on a microwave-safe dish and heat on high for about 5 minutes. Remove potatoes from

the microwave, dry once more, then place back in the microwave for a further 5 minutes. Let

stand for 1 minute, then check if cooked through, if not cook for further 30 seconds.


1. Cut the onion into small slices from root to tip.

2. Wash the mushrooms, remove the stems, then cut the remainder into small slices.

3. Heat 2tbsp of olive oil in a frying pan on medium heat until sizzling, then add the onions.

4. Spread the onions across the pan and stir occasionally for 15-20 minutes until they go soft

and brown. Make sure the onions are stirred frequently enough so they don’t burn on the

bottom of the pan.

5. Add the mushrooms and cook for a further 5-10 minutes or until soft.

6. Add the balsamic vinegar, salt and sugar to the pan, let boil and then simmer until the

mixture has thickened.

7. Cut open your cooked jacket potatoes, add butter, then top with the mixture. Add seasoning

to taste.
Agree with WelshGas. If you want to represent the California, it needs to be cooked inside.
Is that frog spawn?
Sorry can't help - I'm usually responsible for food when camping (in fact responsible for everything)
Due to UK weather conditions & cramped conditions in our van, mealtimes have always turned out best when the main ingredients are a good restaurant guide mixed with a debit card...
We will have a think, we've had some surprisingly good food in our vans over the years :)
Yes, perhaps jacket potatoes weren't exactly the best example to give ...

I have 20 or so recipes on my blog, since I wanted decent food when out walking/backpacking. All of these are easily transferred to a camper van since they're designed to be used with just one ring rather than two.

My faves would include sausage gnocchi with green beans, pasta puttanesca, pea and mint risotto, bean and chorizo cassoulet ... (and definitely no frogspawn !!)

Happy to have one of these featured.

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