Hook up charger & battery issues - Cali owners advice please



Just running some tests today following a cali kitchen (2008/9) fit, everything is wired the same as a Cali so everything is opperated via the camping control unit. I also replaced my existing Leisure battery a 75amp/hour just the one with a beefier 100amp AGM as we have no heater just the roof and kitchen.
Problem is when I was hooked up to mains the CCU display switches from Battery to fork plug emblem on the also it showed battery at 40% charge also 5amps which held pretty much unchanged for hours. Unfortunatly the onboard supply unit got fairly hot as did the battery after a while so i switched the lot off.
I swapped back to my existing battery which when turned back on done what i would of expected a initial few Amps then reduced and held a steady 0.6amp charged rate. Onboard charger remained cool to warm and the battery cold, the onboard charger outputs to the starter battery also and this function is all opperating as normal.
My questions are
"does anyone know how warm, cool etc does there cherger unit get"
"Charge rate average on the camper Control Unit, i assume you leave it plgged in for the duration of your stay"
" anything mentione in ther handbook relating Engine being started when being hooked up, reason i mention this is if there are any implications with the output from the onboard charger meeting the Alernater (genarater) output, i assume the onboard charger is protected but its worth the ask.
Sorry for all the questions I think the new battery is Kapputt
I don't know the answer but could it have something to do with you only having the one battery? Cali's have 2 camping plus one for the engine.

When on hook up I would normally leave it plugged in all the time without even thinking about it.
Is your charger an original VW CALI unit?

Starting the engine whilst on hook up won't affect your leisure battery/charger, they a electrically separated by the split charge relay until the engine is running.
Thanks for your input guys i guessed plug it in and forget thats the norm really but needed to confirm. Yes Sidepod its origanal Cali unit, understand about them being separated prior to starting the engine and there is no reason why you would start your vehicle whilst 240v hooked up well non that i can think of anywat but its just dawned of me - What if?
The two Cali 75AH batteries are charged in parallel equivalent to 150AH, so the charger should be able to cope with one 100AH battery.

My guess is that your 100AH battery is down on charge and needs to be brought up fully. That will take time and the charger will get hot until the charge current drops down. The charger will need to be well ventilated too, so that could be an issue. Can you charge it fully out side the van initially and then install it?

Starting the engine while plugged into the Mains is not a problem. You do get an alarm from the Control Panel warning that the Mains is connected though.
Yeh noticed that you get the Audible warning when roofs up im guessing its the same.
I will be speaking to the battery supplier today about the battery they may well suggest an external charge before instalation, i have a CTEK intelligent charger that has got a specific AGM setting.
Certainly cannot trust it as it is
Does anyone have any information/data manufacturer of the onboard charger as theres not a great deal of information on it
Thanks WG, its one of them where eventually you come across the manufacturer. It looks a little like an early Weaco switch mode power supply.
I think i have found the problem now, the new battery is massivley undercharged which highlighted an earth issue following the high current demand. The earth is the "shunt" well documented on here I didnt spend any time cleaning connections to this. I have since modded it and tested it - current dropped from 5A to 2.4A, battery still charging on a separate charger at the moment so full test tomorrow hopefully.
I will update & thanks for all your input
Thanks WG, its one of them where eventually you come across the manufacturer. It looks a little like an early Weaco switch mode power supply.
I think i have found the problem now, the new battery is massivley undercharged which highlighted an earth issue following the high current demand. The earth is the "shunt" well documented on here I didnt spend any time cleaning connections to this. I have since modded it and tested it - current dropped from 5A to 2.4A, battery still charging on a separate charger at the moment so full test tomorrow hopefully.
I will update & thanks for all your input
Hope all goes well.:thumb
Well i thought i had the problem sorted, I had the new battery (AGM 100AH) on charge all last night using my CTEK charger which has a AGM charging profile only to get up to find the battery & charger fairly hot and the charger illuminating battery still charging :(:mad: I have rang the supplier stating my issues so should be a replacement now awaiting the call in the morning.
I fitted it to see what the % content was after a few hours and it showed a mere 60% & mains on charged at 3.4A without dropping still to high, really annoying & :eek:
Can any of you confirm when you pull up on site what your battery % is, i'm guessing it initially shows 100% then falls to 90 fairly quick and is a slower fall from there?
another question
When you first plug into mains your charge rate is 2A to 3A then falls fairly quickly and steady's at around 0.4A to 0.6A?

I base this information on what happens to my old battery a 75AH Standard leisure

Appreciate any information
You're correct. 100% on arrival . Mines not quit the same as I have a Solar panel which is functional during daylight hours with or without the Mains plugged in, but you're figures seem about correct.
It would seem that the battery has a problem, especially as 2 chargers cannot seem to charge it!
Yes it appears that, i await the new battery.
Thanks for your comments WG, i may ask you about your solar panel one day :thumb
Yes it appears that, i await the new battery.
Thanks for your comments WG, i may ask you about your solar panel one day :thumb
No problem. Let us know how you get on.
Sorry for the late reply only wanted to be sure, the company that supplied the battery after another phone call decided the replace the battery so the next day i get a phone call letting me know they have sent out the wrong battery:rage so I let them know to pick up and refund which i need to chase them for.
I bought another battery which arrived the very next day and has been fine whilst we have been in Scotland for the past week and a half, just goes to show that new some new battery's can be faulty.

VW California Club
