Water tank

Caz Whitely

Caz Whitely

T6 Cali On Order
Help needed, I can't seem to fill my water tank without it leaking out, probably something really easy that I'm doing wrong!?
Hi. If it's leaking out of where you fill it, I think the design is just not very good. I have the same problem. I guess someone will be able to suggest a solution, but I just live with it.

Enjoy your Cali.
No, it's coming out the holes underneath. Are there any other valves/levers to stop it?
There is a valve on the water tank (near the gas) to allow emptying, check it is closed.
You have got the drain stopcock open.

Lift out the bottom of the rear cupboard, there is a red lever the should be pushed fully back towards the rear of the van. This will close the stopcock. It may be stiff, but has to go fully back.

Use this to drain the tank at the end of the year. The water drains out of the gaz vent and will spill out all over the splash covers under the van.

It doesnt seem to want to move, which way should it be pointing? It's pointing toward the middle of the black lid at the moment. Thanks for replying.
Dont forget when you drain it remove the filler cap it will empty quicker:thumb
I agree the drain stopcock is open. The lever on my (fairly new) Cali is also very stiff, though a bit better now after a few months of use. I'd suggest going back to the dealer if your lever is impossible to turn, rather than risk any damage. Hope you get it sorted.
Did your T6 came with a manual?
Did you try and read it?
Could give some usefull tips not only on how to close the drainvalve....
Anyway , the handle to open/close the valve is hidden in the rear cupbord under the bottom shelve ( witch can be taken out) , next to the gasbotlle .
If the handle is in line with the length of the verhicle it is open ....
Good luck:D
Good. Glad you have it all sorted.

Quick question fom a newbie yet to buy his first Cali.. Could the rear cabinet be modified to provide quick access to the gas (gaz) valve & said drain valve without having to clear & lift the bottom shelf? I read in another post that a member said ihe found it was a bit of a faff turning off ( & afterwards back on) the gas valve at the cylinder each time they went out due to its location. Sorry if its a daft question.:happy
Quick question fom a newbie yet to buy his first Cali.. Could the rear cabinet be modified to provide quick access to the gas (gaz) valve & said drain valve without having to clear & lift the bottom shelf? I read in another post that a member said ihe found it was a bit of a faff turning off ( & afterwards back on) the gas valve at the cylinder each time they went out due to its location. Sorry if its a daft question.:happy
Depends if you are a member of the brigade that disconnects the gas before you drive or not, and I'm not going to open that debate again.
Quick question fom a newbie yet to buy his first Cali.. Could the rear cabinet be modified to provide quick access to the gas (gaz) valve & said drain valve without having to clear & lift the bottom shelf? I read in another post that a member said ihe found it was a bit of a faff turning off ( & afterwards back on) the gas valve at the cylinder each time they went out due to its location. Sorry if its a daft question.:happy

If you want to do some DIY , but the botle is in a closed and saled compartment for saftyissues so it would be daft to cut a hole in it!
It takes me 30sec. to take out the bottom shelf , open the safty lid and turn the gas open....why bother DIY?

Think as a not yet owner you need to focus on other stuff like getting to know the basic things on a Cali and putting you "essentials" togheter . Once you got your Cali it all falls in place and you'l find out things are pretty easy to get used to...;)
Quick question fom a newbie yet to buy his first Cali.. Could the rear cabinet be modified to provide quick access to the gas (gaz) valve & said drain valve without having to clear & lift the bottom shelf? I read in another post that a member said ihe found it was a bit of a faff turning off ( & afterwards back on) the gas valve at the cylinder each time they went out due to its location. Sorry if its a daft question.:happy
You'll get a 1001 opinions on this I'm sure ;-) I leave the gas on and turn off under the kitchen cupboard (controversial I know, but that's why the gas is in a sealed container under the cupboard shelf - at least that's my view). I personally empty the water tank and leave the drain valve open every time I've finished camping - why carry extra weight when you don't need it? Also keeps the tank aired and reduces the build up of slime (ever run your fingers round the inside of a drink bottle after you've left it to fester for a few days?!). The drain valve slackens off with regular use and it's a doddle to lift the bottom shelf (unless of course you leave the cupboard permanently filled with assorted spaff) ;-)
:bananadanceThat's funny. You could always just suggest the poster is a muppet

Thats an idea ....but we are here to make friends.
Guess some think i must offend them but i am just straight forward ( as you are when reading your reply's somtimes:D)
Thats an idea ....but we are here to make friends.
Guess some think i must offend them but i am just straight forward ( as you are when reading your reply's somtimes:D)
I like your frankness Hotel, now I know you mean well, and know a lot aout the van......I asked about the straps in the draw when I first got mine......it was in the manual, but there was so much to learn in a short period of time.
I had read most of the manual now, but it took a long time, and there were sections that were quite confusing, like turning off the interior alarm.
So don't take offence Caz.
Quick question fom a newbie yet to buy his first Cali.. Could the rear cabinet be modified to provide quick access to the gas (gaz) valve & said drain valve without having to clear & lift the bottom shelf? I read in another post that a member said ihe found it was a bit of a faff turning off ( & afterwards back on) the gas valve at the cylinder each time they went out due to its location. Sorry if its a daft question.:happy
I don't even take the shelf out to turn the water valve( which I drain every trip, as I don't think stale old water is healthy)
I just lift the rear edge of the shelf and can reach.
As far as the gas, I turn off at the cooker. If the system isn't leaking, then it is fine to leave on at the bottle, and if it is leaking it isn't safe to use at anytime!
The whole point of turning the gas off at the bottle is to prevent it leaking if you are unfortunate enough to be involved in a crash.
The pipe from bottle to tap under rhe sink could easily rupture in an accident leaving the gas free to escape. All ferries and the tunnel will insist it's turned off for the same reason. Big signs at all the ferries in Norway saying make sure it's off as well.
It was me who said it's a faff,which it is compared to some conversions, but we still make sure to do it.
They say you should never talk about sex, politics or religion. I think we may have to add gas bottles in camper vans to the list ;-)

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