Rattling side sliding window

Will 1

Will 1

T6 Beach 150
Hi all, has anyone else had the problem of a rattling side sliding window, if so any tips to rectify it, as it is starting to drive me nuts !
Which side?
This does not seem to be a very common problem.
Are you sure it is the window and not a referred sound from somewhere else?
Are you sure it not the blind?
Thanks folks I need to look again I think !
If you have an Awning fitted then that can be a cause. Open it about 12" and re-close firmly but don't overtighten as it uses plastic gear wheels that can be stripped if too enthusiastic.
Intrested in more details on this.
Is it the one above the kitcheunit ( leftside) or do you have one in the sliding door (rightside ) also?
This info can narrow down the cause....
Hi folks and thanks for the advice, I will have look at the awning, thanks WG, It appears to be coming from the small L/H sliding window, behind the passenger seat, as soon as I cure it I will let you know, thanks again !
Thanks BT I think it may have been one of the blinds not sitting right ! thanks again all for your help, Thanks for the suggestion Pineweasel, mine is a Beach, so no fixed hob.

VW California Club
