Retro Fitting a webasto parking heater.

Hi Andy,
We are going to drop the tank and install the T5 stand pipe into the sender unit.
we got the T5 Airtronic D2 specific kit with the external mount from Bowers and the T5 stand pipe was included.
From what I have read fitting a fuel filter is optional sort of nice to have but not necessary.

see the attached PDF which shows the installation of the stand pipe into the sender unit
its shows the Webasto heater install but it is the same set up for the Eberspacher Airtronic

If I get the chance I will take some pictures.


  • Airtop_VW_T5.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 42
@gear box oil, There is a basic fuel filter installed in the input union of the metering pump, this should be changed when the heater is serviced.
Dropping the tank is not an easy job unless you have the ability to raise the van a good way, however I have done it a number of times with the left side only raised eight or ten inches but you do have to be some type of contortionist and reasonably agile doing it this way. The tank needs to be as near empty as you dare to run it.
One little trick worth knowing is that you do not need to remove the supporting straps completely, just free the outer ends and loosen the inner ends then swing them away from the tank.
I would advise that the plastic pipe that runs along the top of the tank is warmed and bent to meet the dip-pipe as best you can so as not to put undue strain on the connecting piece. I had one of these connecting pieces split whilst on holiday last summer due to not relieving the strain on it when I fitted the heater.

Rod / GBO,

Thanks. Looks like I need a 6mm x 5mm x 6mm T-piece, or if using the Webasto part a J-piece. I'll get one of those in addition to the 8x5x8.

Can any of you advise what the the existing pipe is made of and can the T be inserted into the existing pipe directly, or is a connection kit required.


Looking at page 9 of this I'm guessing that the blue pipe may be the existing fuel line that needs tapping into so 6mm connectors will also be required.

Doing this at home with just ramps, I'm certainly going to avoid trying to fit a standpipe.

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Thanks for the info guys.

I have made a start on the heater.
I removed the splash guard with the intention of removing the fuel tank only to find I have the Webasto auxiliary heater installed by VW. I suppose I should have sussed this out before now.
Anyway I am looking at the tee in to the Webasto auxiliary heater fuel line.

see the attached picture of the existing heater fuel line.

so same question as Andy is the above Tee Andy is indicating the right size and would the hose marked with VWAG and the two clamps be the correct position to install it.

Gear box oil

More pictures of the fuel lines and the install.
Drilling big holes in your own California is a bit nerve racking to start with.

IMG_6646.JPG IMG_6652.JPG IMG_6654.JPG IMG_6655.JPG IMG_6656.JPG IMG_6657.JPG IMG_6663.JPG IMG_6659.JPG IMG_6660.JPGIMG_6658.JPG

Thanks for the pictures. Much clearer than the Eberspacher T5 fitting guide. The T must be the same diameter as the pipe going into the flexible connector.

I was considering leaving the teeing in to last, just in case I had any problems.
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Thanks Andy,

yes I would just like to find out for certain the correct size and match the existing pipe and order the correct Tee.
I will carry on with the install tomorrow. I am not sure if the hole under the seat base is in the right position it looks like I will need to trim the splash guard but I think I would rather trim that than cut the heat shield I will find out tomorrow.
@MattBW can you help? We currently have a deposit on a demo Beach which doesn't have an overnight heater - I'm seriously considering pulling out of it because of this and reading that an overnight heater is an essential option. We won't be able to get one retrofitted straight away so I wondered how you found your van to be without one? Obviously we will be getting it at the beginning of the warmer weather and plan to use it mainly over the school summer holidays- do you have any experience of using your beach during the summer in the U.K. Without an overnight heater? I don't plan to go wild camping as we will be with 3 children plus a baby so will need plenty of facilities to help with the overload of the beach
Thanks for reading - hope you can offer a glimmer of hope that I'm not doing the wrong thing
@MattBW can you help? We currently have a deposit on a demo Beach which doesn't have an overnight heater - I'm seriously considering pulling out of it because of this and reading that an overnight heater is an essential option. We won't be able to get one retrofitted straight away so I wondered how you found your van to be without one? Obviously we will be getting it at the beginning of the warmer weather and plan to use it mainly over the school summer holidays- do you have any experience of using your beach during the summer in the U.K. Without an overnight heater? I don't plan to go wild camping as we will be with 3 children plus a baby so will need plenty of facilities to help with the overload of the beach
Thanks for reading - hope you can offer a glimmer of hope that I'm not doing the wrong thing
If you are only planning on Summer use and staying on Campsites with Electrical Hook up then you could just carry an electric heater for those cool summer evenings. If you plan to use throughout the year then the Diesel Heater is so much more convenient. Days at the beach during winter coming back to a toasty vehicle after a bracing walk, or sat in the warm at those cold wet football matches the children play in the winter etc: etc: Warm car for the school run when the snows falling, or the freezing rain. Thats when the diesel heater comes into its own.:thumb
@MattBW can you help? We currently have a deposit on a demo Beach which doesn't have an overnight heater - I'm seriously considering pulling out of it because of this and reading that an overnight heater is an essential option. We won't be able to get one retrofitted straight away so I wondered how you found your van to be without one? Obviously we will be getting it at the beginning of the warmer weather and plan to use it mainly over the school summer holidays- do you have any experience of using your beach during the summer in the U.K. Without an overnight heater? I don't plan to go wild camping as we will be with 3 children plus a baby so will need plenty of facilities to help with the overload of the beach
Thanks for reading - hope you can offer a glimmer of hope that I'm not doing the wrong thing
I agree with Welshgas it's entirely dependant on when and where you will use it for camping. It's a very nice to have

Summer use on sites probably won't need it. We never needed any heating when we stayed in the van. Even spring and autumn with electric hookup a radiator or fan heater would be fine. Winter I have done with radiators and the heater is a gem when the genuinely cold. If you aren't wild camping or offgrid, hookup and a cheap radiator or fan will do the job.

I retrofitted my webasto with Slidepods and love it but haven't used it as often as I expected. It's definitely a highly recommended addition and factory heater is preferable to many but there aren't a lot of beaches about and most of those probably have no heater.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thank you @WelshGas and @MattBW that is the reassurance I needed. In an ideal world we would have the factory fitted heating, but as you both say I just can't find one. This is going to be our everyday car (4 children and we started off looking at caravelles - but have come to the decision we may as well get the beach and tick more boxes) and the options this demonstrator has makes it ideal for that, I just got a bit worried that it isn't useable as a camper if it doesn't have the heater - so started to panic we should be getting the caravelle!!

I have read that they are cold and damp without the overnight heater during the night - is that the case? I always thought we would just use a fan heater and didn't see it as a concern. When using just a fan heater does the upstairs get warm as that is where 3 boys will be sleeping?? We have got a 3 day music festival last weekend in august, so no electric - does a beach stay warmer than a tent without any heating source?

I'm learning now The one element I am going to lose is the warm beach to come back to after a day at the beach, or watching the boys at football as you very correctly point out @WelshGas, so I think it is certainly something we will retrofit when finances allow - we are taking it on a 10year hp so plenty of years to turn it into the ideal beach :) MattBW as you haven't used the heater as much as you thought, do you think that is because it is retrofitted? Do you lack anything by not having the factory fitted one?

Sorry for all the questions... hope you don't mind me whittering away
When we were looking for a Beach we never found an ex demo with a heater.
The people that spec them up will put in a £2k sat nav and all sorts of hi tec crap that will be out of date shortly but never the heater but then they've never done any camping!
Thank you @WelshGas and @MattBW that is the reassurance I needed. In an ideal world we would have the factory fitted heating, but as you both say I just can't find one. This is going to be our everyday car (4 children and we started off looking at caravelles - but have come to the decision we may as well get the beach and tick more boxes) and the options this demonstrator has makes it ideal for that, I just got a bit worried that it isn't useable as a camper if it doesn't have the heater - so started to panic we should be getting the caravelle!!

I have read that they are cold and damp without the overnight heater during the night - is that the case? I always thought we would just use a fan heater and didn't see it as a concern. When using just a fan heater does the upstairs get warm as that is where 3 boys will be sleeping?? We have got a 3 day music festival last weekend in august, so no electric - does a beach stay warmer than a tent without any heating source?

I'm learning now The one element I am going to lose is the warm beach to come back to after a day at the beach, or watching the boys at football as you very correctly point out @WelshGas, so I think it is certainly something we will retrofit when finances allow - we are taking it on a 10year hp so plenty of years to turn it into the ideal beach :) MattBW as you haven't used the heater as much as you thought, do you think that is because it is retrofitted? Do you lack anything by not having the factory fitted one?

Sorry for all the questions... hope you don't mind me whittering away
The roof will always be slightly cooler than downstairs if sleeping up there as the canvas is not a good insulator and there are vents in the canvas walls - very important especially if 5 sleeping there, but you could get a Topper, Internal always fitted or External as and when, and good sleeping bags for out of summer use. No colder than a tent, warmer with a Topper.
The Beach, without any heating is no colder/warmer than a good quality tent, just less draughty and more waterproof. You'll be fine.
As mentioned elsewhere, if on Mains then a quiet fan heater with a Thermostatic Plug will keep it warm to the level you want. ( the thermostatic control built into some fan heaters is not very good especially in a confined space, too hot or too cold difficult happy medium ) but using a Thermostatic Plug much better control.

Just point the fan to the upstairs .
I have read that they are cold and damp without the overnight heater during the night - is that the case? I always thought we would just use a fan heater and didn't see it as a concern. When using just a fan heater does the upstairs get warm as that is where 3 boys will be sleeping?? We have got a 3 day music festival last weekend in august, so no electric - does a beach stay warmer than a tent without any heating source?

MattBW as you haven't used the heater as much as you thought, do you think that is because it is retrofitted? Do you lack anything by not having the factory fitted one?

Sorry for all the questions... hope you don't mind me whittering away
Ask away that's what this forum is all about :)

A fan heater will be just as good on hookup to be honest, and is probably easier to position and change the air direction, aiming it so more gets upstairs. The upstairs is usually cooler for sure, but in summer it's nicer to have that airflow. I've never been cold in my beach in summer and we camped a lot the first year before we had a heater. August you should be fine and not cold, but ensure you have decent bedding and nightwear and even a cold spell won't be a problem :)

As for why I haven't used it, that is simply because we haven't camped much this winter because its been a muddy winter not a crisp one. In fact i think the retrofit Webasto is a bit more versatile as mine has a thermostatic controller (pics earlier in the thread) so I can set the temp i want and set timers for it to come on. The factory one I believe is just a 1 to 5 setting so not temperature controlled.

The best use of the heater for day to day is when I know its going to get icy. I just set the heater about 40 minutes before i am due to leave and the van is usually defrosted and warm when I get in. This is brilliant and has meant my neighbours are all scraping their windows whilst I just drive away. :D Its also good if you are out late on a cold night, set it to come on shortly before you are due to leave and again toasty van. The heater is as Snowy said the best bit of kit on any Cali and more valuable than a satnav or wifi feature.

My last piece of advice is don't be tempted to use gas heaters inside, especially if you are asleep, it can be dangerous (see threads on carbon monoxide on here). You tube is full of people using gas heaters in unventilated vans and as we deal with the results of CO in my day job all too often I'm a big advocate of using electric or parking heaters in the bus. Plenty will disagree with me I'm sure but for me it's not worth the risk.
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Thank you @WelshGas and @MattBW that is the reassurance I needed. In an ideal world we would have the factory fitted heating, but as you both say I just can't find one. This is going to be our everyday car (4 children and we started off looking at caravelles - but have come to the decision we may as well get the beach and tick more boxes) and the options this demonstrator has makes it ideal for that, I just got a bit worried that it isn't useable as a camper if it doesn't have the heater - so started to panic we should be getting the caravelle!!

I have read that they are cold and damp without the overnight heater during the night - is that the case? I always thought we would just use a fan heater and didn't see it as a concern. When using just a fan heater does the upstairs get warm as that is where 3 boys will be sleeping?? We have got a 3 day music festival last weekend in august, so no electric - does a beach stay warmer than a tent without any heating source?

I'm learning now The one element I am going to lose is the warm beach to come back to after a day at the beach, or watching the boys at football as you very correctly point out @WelshGas, so I think it is certainly something we will retrofit when finances allow - we are taking it on a 10year hp so plenty of years to turn it into the ideal beach :) MattBW as you haven't used the heater as much as you thought, do you think that is because it is retrofitted? Do you lack anything by not having the factory fitted one?

Sorry for all the questions... hope you don't mind me whittering away

In my experience with a Beach, 4 children and a tent- the beach is warmer than a tent, even in the roof. There is better insulation than a tent and it is largely windproof which tents aren't. That said, the parking heater is fantastic. It's not just keeping you warm when camping- there's the defrosting and then there's the base camp for footy training etc- if you aren't on the touch line you can sit in the back and read the paper all toasty like.

10yr HP- personal loan is better as usually better interest rate and flexibility if you want to pay off early.
Great thank you so much again to you all for reassuring me that we'll be okay without the overnight heater! I fear I may have found the answer I was looking for and will now stop looking for other opinions... gonna quit whilst I'm ahead! I've got some great tips which I'm now very excited about putting to good use. The problem I have is, my husband is a "hotel goer", I got him in a tent in our early days, he persevered then got moody - so we went to a caravan two years ago - now this suits him down to the ground, all mod cons, shower, thermostatic heating, Tv etc etc.... now asking him to move out of his caravan into a camper van, I fear if I overlook potential problems I could be really up against a miserable hubby Plan was to keep both and have the beach as an additional bedroom for the 2 older boys to save buying a bigger caravan, but for finances we're both thinking it'd be good to make the beach work for us and lose the caravan - wish me luck!
@simplek1 is it a 3 seat or 2 seat beach out of interest?

If it is a 3 seat one, I would recommend some kind of mattress topper for downstairs. The 2 seat has the same bed as the SE/Ocean I believe but the 3 seat is far more comfortable with a topper.
@simplek1 is it a 3 seat or 2 seat beach out of interest?

If it is a 3 seat one, I would recommend some kind of mattress topper for downstairs. The 2 seat has the same bed as the SE/Ocean I believe but the 3 seat is far more comfortable with a topper.

Hi @MattBW it has the comfort mattress and extension (I think it is called) I'm so excited now!! I've been looking at the Quenchua pop up storage... that's gotta make my husband happy, no awning to battle with. The one issue I'm having trouble with is the porta potti, I see most people have them in the van with them - I don't think I could do that!!! What do you do?
Hi @MattBW it has the comfort mattress and extension (I think it is called) I'm so excited now!! I've been looking at the Quenchua pop up storage... that's gotta make my husband happy, no awning to battle with. The one issue I'm having trouble with is the porta potti, I see most people have them in the van with them - I don't think I could do that!!! What do you do?
Pop-Up toilet tent unless of course you plan on Wild Camping.
Pop-Up toilet tent unless of course you plan on Wild Camping.

I thought that was the obvious choice, but have read Everything but that so assumed I was missing something. Thank you
I thought that was the obvious choice, but have read Everything but that so assumed I was missing something. Thank you
We just use a Pop-Up and a "Bog in a Bag". Lightweight, environmentally friendly, takes up little room and for Emergency Use Only.
Have done my time over the years emptying Chemical Toilets when we had our Family Caravan - no more.

Thanks for the pictures. Much clearer than the Eberspacher T5 fitting guide. The T must be the same diameter as the pipe going into the flexible connector.

I was considering leaving the teeing in to last, just in case I had any problems.

Hi Andy,
progress so far I have installed the heater out let and the controller to the panel behind the drivers seat.

I changed the vent as I wanted it in the recess of the plastic trim.

drilled out a 60mm hole and added a 17mm x 60mm plastic spacer.

WP_20170209_20_02_51_Pro.jpg WP_20170209_20_07_23_Pro.jpg WP_20170209_20_08_41_Pro.jpg


I did not want to remove the trim for the controller. I will try it in this position and see how it goes


17mm spacer

WP_20170209_21_08_02_Pro.jpg WP_20170209_21_08_28_Pro.jpg
New vent

Marked up the drawing for the fuel lines.
Just tried to fit the trim the hole for the vent needs to be moved out further to the edge.
I have a clash with the fuse holder in the seat box.

so much for DIY (destroy it your self)

I have ordered a new trim I am going to reposition the hole in the original to make sure it fits first.

VW California Club
