Beach vs Ocean



Looking to buy
Hi all,

I'm trying to decide between the Beach and the Ocean. We are a family of 3 (with an 18 month old) with Baby #2 on the way (eeek)!

I'm not convinced by the narrow width bed in the Ocean (if used by adults) or by cooking inside the van with toddlers around so I'm leaning towards the Beach. But having a fridge and cooker built in seems very convenient but then saying that I'm more than happy to cook outside.

Which do you think is better for a family of four; a Beach or an Ocean?

Search function will probably pull up 60 maybe 70 similar threads?
Hi all,

I'm trying to decide between the Beach and the Ocean. We are a family of 3 (with an 18 month old) with Baby #2 on the way (eeek)!

I'm not convinced by the narrow width bed in the Ocean (if used by adults) or by cooking inside the van with toddlers around so I'm leaning towards the Beach. But having a fridge and cooker built in seems very convenient but then saying that I'm more than happy to cook outside.

Which do you think is better for a family of four; a Beach or an Ocean?


Hi. There are many threads on this but briefly to answer your question...

1) The downstairs bed in an Ocean is totally suitable for two adults.

2) I borrowed an Ocean before I bought. At the time I had one young child and the built in fridge and cooking facilities was what impressed me most. Yes you will need to be very careful with young children in the vehicle when cooking just like at home. But the ability to pull over on a trip and heat up some food or milk swings it for me as opposed to having I set up a stove outside the van. Especially if the weather is wet.

We now have bought an Ocean (1 year ago) and have two children. When cooking they either go outside or up in the top bunk so they are away from the cooking area.

We just did 8 nights away in our Cali and cooked every night. On dull or damp days I was grateful to be cooking indoors. The nice thing is the ability to make a cuppa in the morning without getting out of bed!!

My advice is go for the Ocean. It's perfect for a family of 4.
Man, I don't ever want to post 'use the search' replies as new members are the lifeblood of any forum as are repeat topics but even I have to go with Sidod and preempt HC and say, search - this is the number one overdone topic on this forum! ;) short if you want a proper usable width bed and are happy to cook outside or use a pod then Beach I'd say.

See, two replies, two different answers.

Here we go again... :D
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My best advice - Don't make your decision based on any of our suggestions or advice. Look around at both and and then if possible hire one of each - preferably in wet weather to see how you cope. You will enjoy both.
My best advice - Don't make your decision based on any of our suggestions or advice. Look around at both and and then if possible hire one of each - preferably in wet weather to see how you cope. You will enjoy both.

As I said... we borrowed an Ocean and it suited us. It's fine to get opinions on here but an Ocean owner will be biased as will a Beach owner. Try both if you can in typical situations and go from there.

One thing I will agree with is they are both super cool vehicles and will get you out and about as a family.

Good luck....
Hi cdjpb

If possible best way to find out: Rent/Borrow both at the same time and go away for a few days...or rent first one and then the other.

We have had our se for 3 years now and my youngest is coming upto 5, eldest 7. We've had no problems and it is a good choice. Our problem now is number 3 on the way!
We are going to stick with our se to start with, but I can see a swap to a beach in the future.
Hi all,

I'm trying to decide between the Beach and the Ocean. We are a family of 3 (with an 18 month old) with Baby #2 on the way (eeek)!

I'm not convinced by the narrow width bed in the Ocean (if used by adults) or by cooking inside the van with toddlers around so I'm leaning towards the Beach. But having a fridge and cooker built in seems very convenient but then saying that I'm more than happy to cook outside.

Which do you think is better for a family of four; a Beach or an Ocean?

2 questions.
1. Are you planning to tour abroad, only in the Summer and use it in good weather at home, only?

If yes - Beach.

2. Are you planning on using the vehicle all year round home and/or abroad?

If yes, either get used to cooking outside in All weathers or its the Ocean.
Don't use the search facility as we all secretly enjoy a good Beach vs Ocean debate :)

I'll start with ... The Ocean is for pensioners and the Beach is for young people and families

Don't use the search facility as we all secretly enjoy a good Beach vs Ocean debate :)

I'll start with ... The Ocean is for pensioners and the Beach is for young people and families


Oh, you know you only posted that to set off WG and SP, here we go again... :D
As someone used to a king size double bed who struggles with a standard double bed, I was really expecting the even smaller cali bed to be a big issue, but it is fine because the sides stop you falling out!
Which do you think is better for a family of four; a Beach or an Ocean?!
We are currently on a 12 month four season tour with 2 young boys age 2 and 3, and two dogs. These are very early days, but so far have no regrets over our choice of a Beach over an Ocean. We cook outside or in the drive away awning, and have a small fridge strapped to the floor rails.

What sold us the Beach was the transformation from MPV to van to 4/5 berth sleeping accommodation. The lower bunk is sufficiently wide for a family of four to sleep in stormy weather without the roof popped up.

But don't be put off by the Ocean's narrow lower bed. A bed with sides always seems wider than a normal bed with no sides.
Having a Beach doesn't mean you have to cook outside. We do it in poor weather. Obviously take precautions regarding ventilation and the children etc, but those same precautions apply to the Ocean.

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I'm holding my breath .....
....almost choking doh...

@cdjpb , just ignore some of the above posts , alltough some are very thru !
Indeed loooots has been discussed before here on the forum regarding the two diffrent Cali setups.
Searching does give a lot of topics .

In the end only you can diside what your needs(and budget) are .
I personal would not be satisfied with a Beach as it is actualy a multivan with a pop-top and a few other xtra's , a Ocean/Coast/SE is more a campervan . Meaning , pull aside crawl in the rear ....start making a cuppa , have running water and gas within' hands reach ,make the bed , read a book , whatever ...without even getting out or open the booth .(I know 100% Beachowners will now be hitting that button below , and i understand them as they understand my view on this :D )
Thats for me and many others the big plus compared to a Beach , specially on road trips and travelling in wintertimes when outdoorcamping is not reccomended.
It all comes down to one thing , getting out there , anywhere you want away from work and daily stress doing your own thing!
2 questions.
1. Are you planning to tour abroad, only in the Summer and use it in good weather at home, only?

If yes - Beach.

2. Are you planning on using the vehicle all year round home and/or abroad?

If yes, either get used to cooking outside in All weathers or its the Ocean.

Sorry to disagree but you can camp in a Beach and cook inside all year round just as easily as in an Ocean.

And enjoy far more flexibility. space, all round vision and 'coolness' ;) all without lugging round the equivalent weight of three permanent passengers everywhere you go and a wardrobe, water tank, sink etc that for many users never do anything but look shiny and new and get in the way.

And a proper size bed - who sleeps at home with a partner in a double less than 4ft wide?!

And have ÂŁthousands in the bank.

And not have everyone think you're a retired OAP....

See what you've started now! Here we go again...

Sorry to disagree but you can camp in a Beach and cook inside all year round just as easily as in an Ocean.

And enjoy far more flexibility. space, all round vision and 'coolness' ;) all without lugging round the equivalent weight of three permanent passengers everywhere you go and a wardrobe, water tank, sink etc that for many users never do anything but look shiny and new and get in the way.

And a proper size bed - who sleeps at home with a partner in a double less than 4ft wide?!

And have ÂŁthousands in the bank.

And not have everyone think you're a retired OAP....

See what you've started now! Here we go again...

Your choice - If you noticed I didn't give any vehicle undue prominence .
I have an SE and I use it as intended - unlike many - and certainly do not intend cooking outside in all weathers or rearranging the furniture to have a cup of tea or cook a meal. Your choice.
Like the furniture your making for your vehicle.:thumb
I prefer to spend the time travelling.

And yes, as I pass you moving your kitchen pod outside or opening the boot to get the milk out - this OAP will wave.:cheers
LOL! ;) Yes, I do like building stuff/solving problems/fitting my ideal set-up rather than maybe VW's. All part of the fun of owning a camper though and my spare time is free of course. My pod stays in - the cookers go outside. And my Beach fridge sits just where the Ocean one does.

When the kids have grown and we retire and we can set off on some proper three month + tours we will go full-fat too.

All great vehicles and hope this topic can stay light-hearted and with the tongue in cheek comments not taken too seriously! :D :thumb:
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I have had an SE for 3 years amazing vehicle now for sales, swapping for a Beach, so will be able to advise better after owning it for a few months.

Our reason for changing was 3 growing children and using the Cali more as a day van to support shorter trips. With 5 in the family we wanted a bit more space to store bikes in the van.... however I know we will miss the ready accessible cupboards, and organised storage, the fridge we have ordered separately and cooking we have a couple of stoves depending on cooking a meal or just boiling water.

The Cali se was perfect for our younger family and we will be gutted when it goes.
Depends what you want personally from the van. For a family, anything with a fabric pop top is always going to be done sort of compromise. So if say make the most of the vehicle. We're a family of three, little one is five years old. In the six months I've owned mine, it's been used for camping weekends, days out biking with 3 other mates and their bikes (inside), airport runs with six bikes and suitcases inside, a car boot sale, trips to the timber merchant. I also use the van as a regular daily vehicle.

Each to their own, if you want a multi purpose vehicle they you can snap camp in, get a Beach, if you want a vehicle to just go on holidays with the family, look at the Ocean, although personally, if I was in that camp, if probably want a fixed roof.

Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk

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