Mike Frost
2009 130 T5 SE - "BARBARA ANN"
VIP Member
Hi All,
My third request for advice, and we've only been owners a couple of weeks!
While we were away over the weekend, the driver's side window started playing up. It would lower an inch, stop, lower another inch, stop. Lower halfway to the bottom, stop, wind nearly all the way up, stop. And etc. ad nauseum. Also at one point it was 3/4 way down and completely unresponsive to the control. We did have this happen once two weeks back in Suffolk, but I used the override with the key in the lock and that seemed to fix it that time - thank goodness for the manuals!
We were in the New Forest, going over uneven road surfaces; once we left the forest and joined the M27, I wound the window all the way up and thereafter it behaved.
I'm concerned, as not only is this grossly inconvenient, especially if it's raining, but I'm concerned that an intermittent short may be occurring within the body of the door, and of course these can be fire hazards. I intend booking the 'van into VW to get it fixed, but thought I would consult the oracle first!
Any thought please?
My third request for advice, and we've only been owners a couple of weeks!
While we were away over the weekend, the driver's side window started playing up. It would lower an inch, stop, lower another inch, stop. Lower halfway to the bottom, stop, wind nearly all the way up, stop. And etc. ad nauseum. Also at one point it was 3/4 way down and completely unresponsive to the control. We did have this happen once two weeks back in Suffolk, but I used the override with the key in the lock and that seemed to fix it that time - thank goodness for the manuals!
We were in the New Forest, going over uneven road surfaces; once we left the forest and joined the M27, I wound the window all the way up and thereafter it behaved.
I'm concerned, as not only is this grossly inconvenient, especially if it's raining, but I'm concerned that an intermittent short may be occurring within the body of the door, and of course these can be fire hazards. I intend booking the 'van into VW to get it fixed, but thought I would consult the oracle first!
Any thought please?